In Memory of Bradley James Nowell
February 22,1968-May 25, 1996
I am a total Sublime Junkie, This page is dedicated to
others like me in hopes that my page will enlighten
fellow sublime junkies.
On this page you'll find Lyrics, and someband information.
And as always I have Links.

Well, I've been having `puter troubles and can no longer download pics on
to the server for some fucked up reason, I've been trying to get this site together
as quickly as I can but I can only type out lyrics for so long until my fingers
start hurting, plus I have better things to do right now than this. Anyone out
there with a website will agree with me, that building a site is very boring and
time consuming and I can think of a billion other things I'd rather be doing.
So to all of you who want to pick on my website for being incomplete can all
go to hell because I'm a very busy lady.

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