Alianora's Homepage
Welcome to my Homepage!!!! Here you will find information about my crazy friends,
favorite links, and reviews on the books I read. I am 15 and from Ohio,
USA. I am a Sophomore in high school and an honor student. That is my picture
over there on the right. I know, I know, it's really bad, but it is the
only one I had. My friends nick-named me Aero. Why? I do not know. What
are my favorite things to do? Mmmmm…, good question! I love to work on
my computer. I am always on it playing games, surfing the net, or even
chatting. (But most of the time I am doing homework on it.) I also like
to read. In the summer I read an average of 3-4 books a week. I love books
about dragons. I also like anything about King Arthur. I am a 7 year 4-H
member and I am in FHA, and FTA. I play the Bass Clarinet in band. It is
fun, but a little hard to play. I have a dog named Candy, she is a Lhasa
Apso. She looks like a furry mop. I also like the outdoors. I like to hike,
travel, and take long walks. Now that you know a little more about me,
have fun exploring my web page.
Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patrica C. Wrede
(My Favorite Books)
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles are a series of four books
by Patrica C. Wrede. Here are my reviews, and some interesting facts about
the books.
Book Reviews
Reviews on some of the books
I have read, and reviews on all my favorite books.
These are some links to my favorite pages on the Web.
Hope you find them as interesting as I do.