Welcome to
Rennata's Page.

This site started out all about various activities in
The Society for Creative Anachronism,
with an emphasis on Children's Activities. It has since
grown into other things as my children and interests
have grown and changed.

Some of the Features of this Site

Children's Activities Resource Files-A set of resource files.
(For a complete site index, click here)
My daughters pages, I am quite proud of what they do.

Trinity Episcopal Church in Milton CT's Picture Page. It includes a really nice Pelican Stainglass Window
Future additions will include homemaking, and handcrafts.

The Society for Creative Anachronism, (the SCA) is a non-profit educational organisation that is dedicated to recreating the Middle Ages. While a lot of this site has to do with the game we play, there is some material that might be of interest to any person with an interest in the Middle Ages or history in general. The resource files contain some activity ideas that bring history alive for kids. They also  contain lists of books, URLs, paintings, etc. about some of my favorite  parts of history, such as
Norse ,Viking and  Byzantine Information,
Weaving and textile  information
Persian and Middle  Eastern Information,
Games and
Assorted other  information, including Historical Paper Dolls

The maintainer of this page is Rennata Tropeano. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version."

© 2005 cminor@geocities.com
Page last updated: Monday, May 5, 2005