
"Keeper of the Stars" is a special song to my sister and I...please read on.....

This page is a special dedication to my sister...CHRIS


Those of you who know me are saying "sister?"  Yes, I  now have a sister!  Back in March of this year (1999) I received a letter from a Chris at Roanoke College in Virgina.  Not knowing anyone by that name, I started wondering what was going on.  I opened the letter to find..."SURPRISE I'M YOUR SISTER"!

Well, not knowing how in the world this could happen, I decieded to call someone who might just know what was going on.  My bio-father, Carl.  And sure enough, I had an 18 year old sister!~~~~

WOW!!! What could I say!!!  I wrote back immediatly and sent it out the same day!!!

My bio-father, the wonderful man he is (sarcasm) didn't tell my sister about me until her 15th birthday, which is basically the same day she met him.  And did he ever bother to tell me about her...NO!!!  WHY you ask....only he knows!  And he isn't talking!

So, this page is dedicated to my sweet sister!! To let her know she is so special to me that i want the world to know about her.

Christina, Chris as she likes to be known as.....has the nickname Eeyore.  So, I adopted the nickname Eeyores sister (my yahoo address), and that is the reason for these wonderful graphics!

Chris attends college in Virgina at Roanoke College!  She is very smart and on her way to the top!  She has a dog, Dexter her baby, that lives with her mom in Fairfax.

If you'd like to learn more about my sister, her baby Dexter (the hound dog) or her college.......

Visit Chris's webpage


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