
I love Calvin and Hobbes. That's why I took the time to write these pages. It's that simple. I had no dark and devious motive; I certainly make no profit from having these pages up on the WorldWide Web, I merely wanted to share my appreciation with others, and hopefully introduce more people to Bill Watterson's marvellous characters.

In my travels around other sites recently, I have found that more and more have been discontinued by Universal Press Syndicate whinging about breach of copyright and threatening court action against the authors, who, for the most part, are children. The question I ask is, Is this really necessary?

Now, if people were scanning the complete set of cartoon strips from the Calvin and Hobbes books and putting them on their pages, then I could understand their argument. After all, people would then have no need to go out and buy the books for themselves and UPS would be getting no more money in their grubby pockets. HOWEVER, I have not found one page in the whole of the Internet which commits such a hanus crime. No, instead, I, and people like me, have chosen choice images of the gruesome twosome which display their charm and attraction, without removing the need to read the strips. Indeed, how could anyone understand the marvellous humour without having seen Calvin in his confrontations with his babysitter, or with his parents, or he and Hobbes trying to Get Rid Of Slimy girlS?

If anything, pages such as mine attract people to purchase these books. But one thing I want to know is this:
Where is the difference between people enjoying these cartoons on the Internet and borrowing the books from their local library? Why aren't UPS threatening to take to court all the libraries in England, in the States, in the world which lend Bill Watterson's books out?

Go figure.

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Images copyright © Bill Watterson