Welcome Title

Happy Hobbes

Piccies Title

This is a page of my favourite Calvin and Hobbes piccies. As I said before, it is in no way comprehensive and is not meant to be, either, although it has started to get bigger since this became a featured page on Geocities. I think these particular ones show the cuddly pair at their best.
I have recently changed the format of this page to make it more user-friendly. In my opinion, it is better split into separate pages this way than having mere descriptions to click on, but it is your opinions that matter, so please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think!

If any of these images don't work or look screwy, could you please inform me, cuz I like to keep them all accessible for whoever wants to see. Ta muchly.

Calvin Calvin Title

This is how Louise Mooney sums up Calvin...
"Calvin is an abnormally precocious child with an over-active imagination, often illustrated by Watterson as prehistoric fantasies, in which Calvin's teacher, (Miss Wormwood), might be a triceratops, ready to gobble him up, or his mother a gila monster, forcing him into a primeval river--- when she is actually only trying to coax him into the bathtub. Calvin also fancies himself as 'Spaceman Spiff," who speeds through the universe, encountering new and bizarre life forms. Not so fantastic, but equally amusing, is Calvin's day-to-day life, peopled by such figures as Susie Derkins, the little neighbor and schoolmate whom he endlessly taunts and disgusts; his father, the subject of countless Calvin-generated (and negative) "popularity polls"; and Moe, Calvin's thick headed bully nemesis and 'the only third grader who shaves.' Calvin also spends special times with his tiger buddy Hobbes, often meandering dangerously in a wagon or sled, taking philosophical spring or fall walks, plotting against a sadistic babysitter, or holding special tree-house club meetings, where the only two members wear newspaper hats."

These are piccies of Calvin only ...

A Calvin b/w cartoon.
b/w Calvin looking mischievous.
b/w Calvin with the transmogrifier/duplicator.
b/w Calvin yelling
Colour Calvin with a gun.
Colour Calvin looking lost.
Colour Calvin with a balloon.
Colour Calvin with his hands on his bum.
b/w Calvin wet and butt-naked.
Colour Calvin building a snowman (1).
Colour Calvin building a snowman (2).
Colour Calvin building a snowman (3).
b/w Calvin looking ... erm ... well ...decide for yourself!!
b/w Calvin looking frustrated.
b/w Calvin looking haughty.
b/w Calvin choking.
b/w Calvin sulking.
b/w Calvin running away.
b/w Calvin wiping his forehead.
b/w Calvin reading and looking decidedly evil.
b/w Calvin looking spooked.
b/w Calvin "et voila!"
Colour Calvin holding a snowball.
Colour Calvin throwing away the snowball.
Colour Calvin throwing the snowball.
Colour Calvin being *splatted*.
Colour Calvin storming off in indignation.
Colour Calvin dancing.
b/w Calvin running away screaming.
Colour Spaceman Spiff.
b/w Calvin looking surprised.
Colour Calvin trying to sell lemonade ... and failing.
Colour Calvin taking a bath.
b/w Calvin looking shocked.
b/w Calvin counting.
One of Calvin's snow creations in colour. new

Hobbes Hobbes Title

This is what Bill Watterson has to say about the cuddlesome tiger...
"The so-called gimmick of my strip - the two versions of Hobbes - is sometimes misunderstood. I don't think of Hobbes as a doll that miraculously comes to life when Calvin's around. Neither do I think of Hobbes as the product of Calvin's imagination. The nature of Hobbes's reality doesn't interest me, and each story goes out of its way to avoid resolving the issue. Calvin sees Hobbes one way, and everyone else sees Hobbes another way. I show two versions of reality and each makes complete sense to the participant who sees it. I think that's how life works."

These are piccies of Hobbes only ...

Colour Hobbes doing his stuffed toy impersonation.
Colour Hobbes reading a book.
Colour Hobbes.
Colour Hobbes eating ... for a change!
Colour Hobbes wandering off.
Colour Hobbes looking blank.
b/w Hobbes going "Yikes!".
b/w Hobbes going "Wow!".
Colour Hobbes smiling.
Colour Hobbes reading a map ... and eating!
Colour Hobbes looking pensive.

Calvin&Hobbes C&H Title

These are piccies of Calvin&Hobbes together...

Colour Calvin and Hobbes screaming at an alien. new
b/w Calvin with Hobbes whistling. new
b/w Calvin and Hobbes talking. new
Colour Hobbes taking over the tree house.
b/w Calvin and Hobbes looking at a globe.
Colour C&H sledging.
Colour C&H in the box.
Colour C&H dancing.
b/w C&H plotting.
Colour C&H in tree.
b/w Calvin scaring Hobbes.
b/w C&H sleeping.
b/w C&H on a log.
I just love this colour ASCII. Much credit to the author, Allen Mullen, M.D.

Animation Title

These are animated piccies of Calvin&Hobbes...

b/w Calvin ripping his trousers.
b/w Calvin walking slowly.
b/w Calvin after using Transmogrifier.
Colour Calvin pulling faces.
b/w Calvin on (off) swing.
b/w Calvin on phone.
b/w Calvin drawing.
Excellent Colour Hobbes pouncing on Calvin.
b/w Calvin with a yo-yo. new
Small colour Calvin dancing. new
Small colour Hobbes dancing. new
Small Calvin on a swing. new
Colour Calvin and Hobbes fighting. new

"Calvin and Hobbes" is a comic strip made by Bill Watterson along with Universal Press Syndicate. All pictures of Calvin or Hobbes were originally created by Bill Watterson.

Page Authoring by Fiona Barker

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Calvin and Hobbes images copyright © Bill Watterson