Boo-Boo Bunny is so happy to see you! Let's find something to make.
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 package unflavored gelatin
food coloring or poster paint
In a bowl, mix 3/4 cup cold water with the cornstarch to make a paste. Soak the gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water; set aside. In a saucepan, bring 2 cups of water to boil and add the cornstarch mixture slowly to it. Stir well. Cook, stirring constantly over medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil and clears. Remove from the heat and stir in the gelatin. Cool and divide into several jars. Add the food colour and blend.
coffee can
This one needs some supervision but it's awfully fun. Melt paraffin. Boil some water in a big pot and put the pariffin in an old coffee can (inside the pot of water). Fill some water balloons (small ones) with water. Take old crayons and melt them intothe paraffin to color it. Dip the water balloons (holding the tied end) in to the melted paraffin about 1/2 inch from the top of the balloon. If you keep a buckey of cold water beside the hot dipping water, it works great to dip in one then in the other to cool it. Keep dipping until there is a thick layer of paraffin around the balloon. Let it dry overnite and harden POP the balloon and fill the shell with more melted paraffin and a wick. The candles turn out really cool shapes.
Finger Paints
by Tightwad Gazette
1 envelope
unflavored gelatin
1/2 cup cornstarch
3 tablespoons sugar
2 cups cold water
food coloring
dishwashing liquid
white shelfpaper
Soak gelatin in 1/4 cup warm water and put aside. In a medium saucepan combine cornstarch and sugar. Gradually add water and cook slowly over low heat, stirring until well blended. Remove from heat and add softened gelatin. Divide mixture into separate containers for each color. For each color first add a drop or two of liquid detergent and then add food coloring a drop at a time until you have the shade you want. Store up to 6 weeks in the refrigerator.
Miss Chicky
says..................Help your
mommy clean up so you can play again real soon.
Arthur's 200th Anniversary Cookbook
1 cup Sugar
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon Alum (optional to preserve paste)
4 cups Water
A few drops oil of cloves peppermint
or wintergreen, for a pleasant aroma (opt. COOKING)
In a saucepan, mix the sugar, flour and alum and gradually add the water. Cook the paste over medium heat, stirring until it thickens and clears. Add the fragrant oil and let it cool. This paste should be stored in a covered jar. If it gets too thick to spread, thin with hot water, a few drops at a time.
Mr. Owl is wanting to
you are and if you are having fun yet???
If you are click on him and write to us!
Spicy Applesauce Ornaments
3/4 cups ground
1 cup applesauce
1 tablespoon ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon ground allspice
1 tablespoon ground cloves
Mix ingredients together. Roll out the dough to a 1/4 inch thickness (dust the tabletop and rolling pin with cinnamon to prevent sticking). Let the children use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of the dough. Place the shapes on waxed paper. If you plan to hang, poke a hole in the top of each shape. Allow the shapes to air-dry for several days (or bake them on a cookie sheet for several hours at 250 degrees). Turn the shapes often to prevent curling. To complete the spicy ornaments, tie on loops of ribbon or yarn for hangers.
1 tablespoon white
1 1/2 tablespoons baking soda
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon glycerin
food coloring
Mix vinegar & baking soda in small bowl & allow to foam. After foaming stops add cornstarch & glycerin and stir very well....up to a couple of minutes. Portion the mixture into a paint palette, muffin tin o similar container & add food coloring. Make the colors dark since drying & use will lighten them. Allow watercolors to dry in a warm place for several hours or overnight. Makes 1 set of Watercolors.
Puffy Paint
tempera paint
heavy paper or cardboard
Mix equal parts of flour, salt and water in a bowl. Add a small amount of tempera paint to the mixture and pour into a small plastic squuze bottle. Repeat the procedure making as many colors as you want. Squeeze onto heavy paper or cardboard to make designs. Mixture will harden into puffy shapes.
Here's some places to go for more things to make!
Silly Recipes - Crafts for Kids
Big Top Arts & Crafts
The Activity Cupboard
The Rainy Day Resource Page
Mac's Colouring Book Pages
Kids Cooking Club - Fun Recipes for Children
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