You might not be fimilar with these right rules but anyothers are FAKE!!!

1.  If anyone lands on the same space as another person the person that landed on the space gets to exchange pieces and then go find the nearest lighter and set the person that got landed on set his money on fire then kick him in the balls.

2.  I cant tell you how much people get this wrong but THERE IS NO DOG PIECE, it is a bear so get it right and if you dont know that then you shouldnt be playing monopoly.

3.  This might sound silly BUT ITS THE RULES, if someone controlls all the 1 dollar bills everyone has to run around the house three times then get into a sumo fight.

4.  The free parking space is not to collect money it is a place that you can buy. It cost $1000 and if someone lands on it you pay them a 1 dollar bill.

5.  If you win the game with the free parking space in your controll everyone has to give you the next tooth of theres that falls out.

6.  Be COOL about fire safty!.

7.  If a person is caught cheating take that players hand and cut all his fingues off then laugh as he tries to roll the dies.