These Proporties are hidden so I will tell you the "Offical" way of getting them into your games.

1.  The Bank yes you can buy the bank.  The way you buy the bank is after getting tossed into jail if you use a get out of jail free card then you need to roll 10 with the dice to hit free parking.  They money that you would have got from Free Parking if what you pay to buy the bank.  In controlling the bank you get all of the money that is in it.  And if there is a chance card that says pay bank they have to pay you.

2.  The Jail the jail is also a propoty you can buy.  The only way you can buy the jail is if you get a chace card or something that tells you to go to go.  Then you must roll double 5's.  The Jail cost 500 dollars to buy and 50 dollars ever time you go around the board to keep it.  If any other player goes into jail when you own it you can charge them up to 500 dollars to get out.  If the person refuses to pay you can exacute him.  The player is then removed from the game as if he were out of money.

3.  The Bathrooms you can buy the bathrooms when you are on one railroad then you get a 10 and hit another one.  The Bathrooms are located where the railroads are.  The bathrooms coast 100 dollars and 10 dollars each time around the board to keep it.  The bathroom doubles what ever you were going to get from that railroad.  If you have more than 1 bathroom it does nothing special like the railroads do.  But if you own all the Bathrooms when ever a player really has to go to the bathroom you can charge him up to $1000.  If he wishes not to pay you take his peice and flush it down the potty and he is removed from the game.