How to make a homemade pokeball
First things first you need the right equiptment i will give you a list of items and tell you where they go.  1st is the water ballon but it is not filled with water, if it is this will not work so dump it out and fill it with your own blood.  2nd you need to make it so the pokeball wont just bounce off the target so what i cleverly did is a use of a wide verity of knives seems to do the trick.  Just shove in the knives like so and you are ready to be a POKEMON MASTER!!!
Me in action showing everyone how easy it is
Now lets take a closer look to see my first pokemon caught with this ball
Is it alive?
Its not moving
I think its a pikachu or something.
The battle with Pikachu
THings get a little toasty with charmander
Squirtle Time in flash
or this