Chile National Stadium     CHILE     1  VS        PERU   1
April 26th 2000    AT 9PM (EASTERN TIME)
The game started pretty much even, Peru controlled the ball as Chile was getting ready to score as soon as possible. During the first 20 minutes the games was played on midfield. There were some occassions for Zamorano and Salas, but the Peruvian defense headed by Rebosio and Pajuelo stood up solid, they played the off-side very well, and also the air game turning back balls sent to the semi-area.. Little by little Peru looked to be playing a bit more offensive, although "Pacho" Maturana had a defensive scheme. On an occassion Zamorano gives Salas a nice pass with the back of his cleats to put the "Matador" one on one with Ibanez, but to Peruvian's hope, the ball went too far and the referee did not buy into the penalty charge Salas was crying about. Personally I think it was a very close call, although the Ref. has the better angle and the ultimate desicion. Pizarro made some lonely attacks down the right wing and "Zancudo" Olivares 7 David Soria tried some from the left. On the 38' minute of the first half, Nolberto Sooolano and Palacios combine for short passes outside the penalty area, and Solano sets up a pass to  CHILE(1): Nelson Tapia, Claudio Maldonado, Pedro Reyes, Jorge Vargas, Javier Margas, Clarence Acuña, Francisco "Murcielago"  Rojas, Rodrigo Tello, David Pizarro, Marcelo "El Matador" Salas, Ivan "Bam Bam" Zamorano. 
DT: Nelson Acosta.
PERU (1): Oscar "Trinchudo" Ibáñez, Jorge "Camello" Soto, Miguel "Conejo" Rebosio, Juan Pajuelo, Percy "Zancudo" Olivares,  Juan Jayo, Jose "Chemo" Del Solar, David Soria, Nolberto "ñol" Solano, Roberto "Chorrillano" Palacios, Claudio "Bombardero De Los Andes" Pizarro
DT: Francisco Maturana.
Chile Subs: Sierra x Pizarro, C. Núñez x Maldonado,
R. Núñez x Rojas
Peru Subs: Zúñiga (5) x Soria.
Gols: Jayo '39 (PERU), Margas 41' (chile)..
Stadium: Estadio Nacional de Santiago (45,000  fans)
Juan Jayo Legario whom blasts a 25 meter bullet to the right top angle of the Chilean's net Tapia. Cheer and Rejoice came out of 23 millions plus Peruvians and the more than 2 millions around the world, especially those of us who were at the Criollo Restaurant in Newark, New jersey USA. I would say around 500 people in total, we screamed, we shouted Peru, VIVA PERU. The happyness did not last so long, as Chile was hurting like a bleeding animal whom had been taking its 
prey away from them. Chemo Del Solar committed a fould outside the penalty area, the Direct Kick looked very lethal. Chile executed it very weell, excellence i would say, as Margas's shot found the fartest left post down and away, Ibanez had nothing to do. National Stadium was brought back to life, as Chile saw the sunlight down the tunnel. The 1st half ened on hot actions from Zamorano and Pizarro whom were yellow-carded. Tensions grew and one knew that the second half was going to be of High Voltage. As the second half started Chile furiously launched themse;ves on the Peruvian side, however, Peru played AN EXCELLENT defensive game ladies and gentleman, in my opinion one of the best example of how to play defense.  Chemo Del Solar  was on every ball, as he and Jayo did not give in to Chile as they could not get in through the middle, the sides were the way Chile would create socring opportunities. On one of the times, Salas heade the ball and hit the right post of Ibanez, Peru was lucky, but sometimes luck comes to the better team, Ibanez made espectacular saves, he flied, dove, stop and inmy opinion was the MVP of the game   
. As Chile kept attacking, Peru made sevral counter attacks which were so DANGEROUS, i mean Peru could have won the game too. But the game i guess deserved a tie. The game ended as 1,000 Peruvian fans shouetd "Arriba Peru Carajo" at Chile's National Stadium and also at Criollo restaurant......there some some pusshes and shoves as Olivares and Zamorano cursed the shit outta of each other. 
Great game MI SELECCION, a tie is like a win, but more important is the way you guys played, I LIKE IT. 
I am sorry for Chile, but next time don't talk too much, be humble and respectful of all teams, WE, Peruvians, might also talk, but we respect your country, your people, your culture and your SELECCION. PAZ mis solo un juego. 
FOR NOW this is it, write me if you have any comment at
See you on June 4 vs Brazil at Criollo's.