Halloween: H25?Maybe
Now that Halloween: H20 has revived
it's self in the horror genre, it is very possible to have yet ANOTHER sequal. After all Fangoria magazine quoted Moustapha Akkad by saying " There is no way the series will end here."
Now you are thinking, how can there be another sequal? He got his head cut off, well lets consider the possibilites, shall we?
First, did Michael have a partner? Possibly. Remember when Michael left the car lights on, and snuck in when the security guard investigates, and turned them off? Well the lights turned back on and off, kinda strange huh? Does the curse of the thorn still run through the veins of Michael, is someone instructing him to kill everyone who knows Laurie Stode/Keri Tate? Also, was that Michael who got his cut chopped off? Well Halloween movies have made the switch a roo before, in Halloween 6. So I would say anything is possible now, espicially since Halloween: H20 was the second biggest openeing week by a Miramax/Dimension movie (only beaten by Scream2). Don't like that idea? Well I got another for ya! Ok, we know that Michael got his head cut off, so now he is assumed to be, basically dead. But in ever other instance he is also assumed dead, but his curse of the thorn brings him back. So they pick up Michael's body, and head, and re attach them for a funeral. But when they put Michael's head back on, the curse of the thorn continues, and he becomes alive again! And on a rampage to kill!
not a suprise that Kevin Williamson was involved in probably the best Halloween since the original, since it appeals to the youth of america". If there is another Halloween sequal, don't expect to see Jamie Leigh, (since she proved she is the one, and only scream queen) but I would hope Kevin Williamson to write it, but unfortunally I don't think he will, since Halloween was his favorite movie growing up, and now he has been a part of one, why would he continue?
Well, lets see how could we use the switch a roo? Hmm, after Michael falls on all the tables and Laurie and LL Cool J think he is dead, Michael gets up, It takes a while for the paramedics to get there and Michael puts his clothes on Adam Arkin's body, and he is still brething, well in the truck Adam Arkin comes to and is in shock so he can't talk. He cant see because the mask and he goes in a panick and Laurie thinks Michael is trying to get her and you know what happens and well Laurie kills the wrong guy and Michael is still roaming around somewhere.......