Movie References on Halloween: H20
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BEWARE: If you have not seen H20, you may not want to read this. This gives away some parts of the movie so read with caution! But, after seeing it, check this out to compare with what I found! This page has been up for 2 days so, more are coming!


1. In the opening sequence the voice of Donald Pleasence is used, lifted from the original Halloween.

2. Halloween: H20 opens with some type southing music, much like the song played in the beginning of Scream2.

3. The lady that gets iced in the beginning of the movie (Marion) is the same actress who played the nurse in the original Halloween.

4. The opening scene is much like Scream2 where people get killed in the first few minutes, before the movie title shows up.

5. Many clips of the original Halloween is played, (ex. Laurie Strode in the closet with Myers attacking her, and film from Michael in the institution)

6. Janet Leigh, Marion Crane from Psycho makes a cameo.

7. Janet Leigh is also Jamie Leigh's mother, big suprise! This is also the second time the two have been in screen together, the other time was in The Fog.

8. One of John's friend makes a referece to Pyscho, "You will end up running a beat up hotel with your mother"

9. Scream2 is played in the girls room, which was written by Kevin Williamson, who wrote a treatment for H20 and co-produced it.

10. John Harnett is in an upcoming Kevin Williamson (co producer of H20) movie, The Faculty.

11. The car Michael Myers drives during the movie is the car from Psycho.

12. When the woman and her daughter stop at the reststop, the mother resembles Courtney Cox, from Scream 2, especially with the streaks!

13. Also her daughter is named Casey, and has a haircut very much like Drew Berrymore from Scream.

14. The 2 friends of John say I'll be right back, a big horror no no and get iced.

15. When Keri Tate taked Michael in the morgue car, when he was thought for dead, she tries to run Michael over, much like the woman did in Halloween 4.

16. Keri also fliped the car over, which looked EXACTLY like Gale Weathers did in Scream.

17. When Keri reaches out to Michael at the end is very simular to when Jamie did that in Halloween 5.

18. The woman in the beginning of the film is named Marion, homage to Marion Crane, from Hitchcocks Psycho.

19. I'll throw this one out there, it is a stretch, but John's friend Sarah resembles Katie Holmes from Disturbing Behavior.

20. After all the credits it has a dedication, to Donald Plesence, who was in all the previous Halloween movies, except 3.

21. Like in the first Halloween, Keri Tate's only option is to hide in the closet.

22. A line from the original Halloween is repeated, "Barricade yourselves in the closet," and they say, "No," and she says, "Do as I say!". In the original she was talking to Tommy Doyle, but in H20 she was talking to John and Molly.

23. Michelle Williams, who plays Molly in H20 is in Kevin Williamson's (co producer of H20) deen drama, Dawson's Creek.

24. An inside reference is when Keri Tate is talking about Frankenstein, and how he had to face his demons, like Tate has to do with Myers.

25. Josh Harnett's character was originally named Mick, but was changed to John (Homage to John Carpender)

26. Janet Leigh's character was named Norma, (Homage to Norman Bates - in which Janet starred)

27. The little girl in the rest stop scene is named Casey (Homage to Drew Barrymore's character in Scream).

28. More to come.

Michael Myers has iced people since August 11th

HALLOWEEN 7 ©1998 Property of Dimension Films/Miramax Distribution
©1998 Trancas International Films