Alison Gittelman gets back on the road soon after having a baby.
Ted Poulos writes about running his 2,500th race and how running is still play for him. Play, but very competitive play. For yet another milestone, Ted just won his 800th race.
A selected groups of running books and videos are available for sale here. These books were chosen for their quality, so you cannot go wrong! Take a look!
With the cooler weather it is still very important to drink. Drink prior to being thirsty, but not too much. Michele Harmon developed Hyponatremia during the Vermont 100 Mile. It was bad enough to put her into a coma. Eating and drinking is so critical to your body's function, even moreso in a race like a 100 mile.
Winter is here and drinking while you are running in cool of the Winter can lead you to become unexpectidly dehydrated. Becoming dehydrated can ruin your race or workout, as well asd cause lasting damage. Teaching yourself how to drink properly can save your life, and make your training better. It is critical to hydrate correctly, for comfort, safety, and recovery from your runs. Read more about hydration.
Ultra Adventures, a fairly new site that covers ultrarunning in North Carolina is loaded with good stuff. Race reports, schedules and tails of adventures grace this site.As good as the NCUltra site is, the page for the Virginia Happy Trail Running Club is still the undisputed King of the local running websites.
A friend has a goal of running to the highest point in all 50 states. Which has the highest point in the Mid-Atlantic states? Pennsylvannia, WV, Virginia, MD, NC, or maybe even Delaware?North Carolina's Mt. Mitchell at 6,684 feet is the winner. This information can be found at The Southern Appalachians have 40 mountains with peaks higher than 6,000 feet.
Ron Natalie ran his first 10k at the Washington, DC Jingle Bell 10k.
Dave Frederick got his long-sought Boston Marathon qualifier at the Philadelphia Marathon. Dave held off a case of rigor mortis just long enough to get the job done and get to Boston!
What to do about blisters is a question that has confounded many a runner. John Vonhof has written a book,
Fixing Your Feet, that provides valuable insight into prevention, treatment, and understanding of the type of foot injuries encountered during running. It is full of practical pearls they don't teach in medical school. Good stuff!
The very popular Shin Splints page has been updated and information was added on prevention of those evil shin splints.
Earn the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award. For anyone who meets their daily activity goal 5 days a week, for 6 weeks, as part of the Active Lifestyle program.
Get your CoolMax shirts, printed with the famous Dead Runners Society logo, from the Soark-Dead Runner, website, featuring the new long-sleeved Coolmax shirts. I got mine and the service is very quick!
Also, reading the DRS Big List is always an interesting experience. Paul Loucks surveyed a recent week on the Big List, charting the type and content of each post to the list.