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Progression as a Runner

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        Over the past couple of years I concentrated on running more than ever in the past.  With college came a realization that I was a better runner than a soccer player and through this assertion I have focused solely on running.  The above photos show a progression of me as a runner in grammar school, to a high school soccer player running in the off-season, and then on to a XC runner in college and a marathon runner after.  Due to this interest in running most of my page is dedicated to that sport but also has points of interest if you know me personally as well..


Personal Running History  (Personal Bests and other info)

Training Philosophies  (Philosophies of Multiple Coaches)

Motivational Running  (Info and Quotes for Inspiration)

About Me  (All info not about running)



Weather Forecast (for what kind of day us jocks have to plan for!! )

School Newspaper,

Pictures of the School

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