Hi! Thanx so much for the entries that you've left in my Guest book. I'll treasure them a lot and hope that you'll come back and check out the progress of this page. - GT

Elaine Cheong - 06/07/99 18:14:30
My Email:elaine_cheong
Place of Origin: Kuala Lumpur

So this is where you've been hiding... I was look all over on land for you,.. :) Well... Nice to see that you are still around. Do email me sometime will ya... It's elaine_cheong@hotmail.com Thanks and see ya!!!

Elaine Cheong - 06/07/99 18:14:22
My Email:elaine_cheong
Place of Origin: Kuala Lumpur

So this is where you've been hiding... I was look all over on land for you,.. :) Well... Nice to see that you are still around. Do email me sometime will ya... It's elaine_cheong@hotmail.com Thanks and see ya!!!

Khoo Cheen Leen - 01/19/98 16:51:17
My Email:clkhoo@ninewells.dunde.ac.uk
Place of Origin: Klang, Selangor

Nice fish and swimming liZard!!! Looks delicious! *Yumm*

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