British Columbia Swim Officials Association

Official Web Site

Through this home page I hope to provide links for swim officials to able to access the large amount of information on this topic on the internet and to be able to access forums and meet information if they so choose. I have just learned the power of the delete button, managing to delete this entire page, and so this site will be under reconstruction for awhile.


  1. Swimming Rules
  2. Canadian Officials Links
  3. Useful Articles on Swim Officiating
  4. The Very Unofficial Top Ten List Archive


Fina Rules
  1. Management of Competitions
  2. Officials
  3. Seeding of Heats, Semi-Finals and Finals
  4. The Start
  5. Freestyle
  6. Backstroke
  7. Breaststroke
  8. Butterfly
  9. Medley Swimming
  10. The Race
  11. Timing
  12. World Records
  13. Automatic Officiating Procedure


National Officials' Committee of SNC
Swim Ontario Officials Site
Quebec Swim Officials Site
Swim Alberta Officials Site
Swim New Brunswick Officials Site


For some of the articles below you will need to download the free Acrobat Reader program. Those articles will be so designated so that you can avoid them if you so wish. They will generally be longer and more complete articles that go into a topic in depth.

British Columbia Swim Officials
  1. Notes on Clerk of Course by Paul Jenkins
  2. Are Swim Overs a Good Idea? by Paul Jenkins
  3. How many Officials are Required to Run a Meet by Ulla Larsen and Lawrie Johns
  4. Swim B.C. Policy on the Use of Electronic Plungers
  5. Double Laning for Distance Events by Paul Jenkins
  6. Briefing Notes for the Session Referee by Paul Jenkins
  7. Use of Finish Judges by Paul Jenkins
  8. Card or Cardless Meets by Paul Jenkins
  9. Level 1 Clinic
  10. Chief Timekeeper Clinic
  11. Level 1 Questionnaire
  12. Stroke and Turn Questionnaire
  13. Chief Timekeeper Questionnaire
  14. Starters' Questionnaire
  15. Referee's Questionnaire
Swim Ontario
  1. Stroke and Turn Clinic
  2. Notes on the OSM 6 by Bill Hyduk
Quebec Swim Officials Site
  1. Level 1 Exam
  2. Stroke and Turn Exam
  3. Chief Timekeeper Exam
  4. Starters Exam
  5. Chief Finish Judge Exam
  6. Clerk of Course Exam
  7. Chief Judge Electronics Exam
  8. Recorder Scorer Exam
  9. Meet Manager Exam
  10. Referee's Exam
National Officials' Committee of SNC
  1. DQ Slip Procedures by Flip Filippelli
  2. False Start Procedure by G. Brunet
  3. Clinic Questionnaires with Answers
Swim New Brunswick Officials Site
  1. Managing a Meet
  2. Clipboard Hints for Timekeepers
  3. Official Splits in Relays
  4. DQ slips
  5. Scratch Forms for Prelims
  6. Scratch Forms for Finals
  7. Hints for the Chief Finish Judge
Colorado Swim Association with excellent articles

  1. C.S.A. Article on The Referee by Anneliese Eggert
  2. C.S.A. Article on Referee Reminders by Anneliese Eggert
  3. Meet Manager Checklist from C.S.A.
  4. C.S.A suggestions on resolving problems ranging from a butterflyer touching with his head to what to do when lightning strikes!
  5. The Starter

The Very Unofficial TOP TEN List and "Position Guide" Archives

The Total Archive of "Top Ten" Lists and "Position Guides"
  1. Top 10 Hints that You're Going to Have a Rough Meet!
  2. Top 10 Signs that the Officials are Catching on to your Illegal Breastroke Kick!
  3. Top 10 Signs That the Referee at your Meet is NUTS!
  4. Top 10 Signs That You are NOT Cut Out to be a Starter!
  5. Top Ten Items From BATMAN and ROBIN that Could be Put in a SWIM MEET!
  6. Top Ten Physical Attributes For a Swim Official
  7. Top Ten Signs that Your Meet is Overcommercialized
  8. The Very Unofficial Guide to Surviving a Meet as a Timer
  9. Top 10 Hints that You will be Doing Doping Control (PEE INSPECTOR) at the Meet!
  10. "Proposed Official, Referee and Coach DQ slip by F. Dillow of N. Texas
  11. Top 10 Tips that You're Officiating at a Bad Meet!


Swim B.C.
Canada Swim Web
Swimming New Brunswick
Swim Alberta


An Officials Forum where rule interpretations and proposed revisions are debated in good fun


U.S.S. General Swim Forum


Canadian Swim Coaches Association
American Swimming Coaches Association


Canadian Spring National Championships


World and Canadian Events
British Columbia Events


Swim 2000
Web Swim
Swimnews Online
Yellow Pages of Swimming


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This page last edited by Duncan Laidlow, April 2, 1999. If you would like to see additional information included please contact me

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