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Kyle's Sports Stuff

This is obviously my first attempt at a web page, so I know it's terrible. Hopefully, though, there is something here worth going to.

You are the person visit my page since May 4, 1997.

I am an admitted sportsaholic, and in my opinion, there is no better organization in sports than the Cleveland Indians. The Indians aren't one of the most-liked teams, thanks to the now departed Albert Belle (who is, of course now a member of the worst team money can buy, the Chicago White Sox), but hey, every team needs some fans, so I chose the Tribe. Here is a list of some of the best sites for Indians information available. I am constantly searching for more, and if I find them and they are worthwhile, I'll add them.

The Tribe Watering Hole

No. 1 Tribe Fan's Indians Page

Inning-By-Inning Coverage of Every Indians Game

Major League Baseball-Cleveland Indians


Although the Indians are my favorite, the baseball season only lasts from April to October. From August to January, my attention turns to football, both NCAA and NFL. The site that I frequent the most (year-round, but especially during football season) is

This is a great site by the Austin American-Statesman that obviously focuses on Big 12 sports. It has lively message boards, chat rooms that usually have some one in them and articles from other newspapers concerning all of the Big 12 teams.

My favorite college football team is Texas A&M. I have gone to most home games since 1983, and games at Texas, Baylor, Houston, and Cotton Bowls (vs. Notre Dame twice, and Florida State) in the past few years. In terms of loyalty and devotion, there are no better fans than A&M's.

In the NFL, I used to be a Dallas Cowboys fan, but as the team has degenerated into a bunch of thugs, my interest has degenerated as well. Now, my favorite team is the St. Louis Rams. (I will be attending Saint Louis University in August) I am still more of a fantasy football fan than of any one team. I pride myself on being a fantasy geek, and I am now getting to the point where I actually know what I'm doing. I have only only found 1 really good free fantasy site. It is right here.

Other Great Sites:

My brother's web pages

Search Engines: Webcrawler, Yahoo, Alta Vista, Hot Bot, Excite, Lycos

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me.

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