
Every so often all of us make a mistake which we regret and one that always seems to come back and haunt us. Well, I just made mine for the year. I am sorry to say that I accepted lineups from two teams after the 8:00 PM deadline week 1. A protest has been filled by one of the opposing teams and in hindsight I must now accept their protest and do what I should have done initially; require them to forfiet. I can make a half-dozen excuses for myself and why I agreed to accept their lineups but I would be remiss in my duties if I did that. I SHOULD NOT HAVE.

This changing of the scores and standings comes under the heading of "commissioner error" and is and must be corrected. I accept full responsibility and can guarantee that it is one mistake I will not make again. The scores and standings for week 1 will be changed and henceforth NO transactions of any kind will be accepted after their deadline. That means 8:01 PM is too late.

Again, I urge all teams to turn in a preliminary lineup early in the week. Barring an injury, you should have a pretty good idea of your starting lineup for the coming week well ahead of the Friday deadline.

One more thing, I continue to receive phone calls past 8:00 PM. Please, do not call me on Sundays or after 8:00 PM at night.

Patrick H. Quillen
