Songs about Martina

The following text is taken directly from Princess of the WTA

Nicholas Simpson, wrote a very nice song about Martina.
It'a a very romantic ballad about Martina.

You can download it here, with the vocals of Nicholas Simpson.

It's a must for every Martina Fan (my opinion).

Make sure you have an mp3-player (such as winamp) to listen the song.

Also I recommend to use a download-tool , like Go!zilla (which can resume broken downloads)

Download now the Chorus-Part only as CD-Quality mp3 file
(16bit-stereo-41khz, compressed 1:10, 0:33 playing time, 0.6 MByte)
Download now the Full Song as CD-Quality mp3 file
(16bit-stereo-41khz, compressed 1:10, 6:09 playing time, 5.9 MByte)

Note: If you never used mp3 files, It's recommended you download the 'Chorus only' Version first, to test.

Here is the Text of the Song:

Twenty two years a thousand miles away
Trubbach girls getting ready for her day
on a centre court
not much going to change her winning ways
well not today
b'cause if she gets kinda mad
she can blow them all away,
Take good care of yourself Martina
Never let your smile ever fade away

She set her heart on being our number one girl
it did'nt really take so very long
but ther've been times when she could have cried
and I cried for her
on that sultry day in France
when it all went so wrong

Time goes by now you've erased it Martina
remember all the places that you've been;
From London town to the city of New York
a Billion eyes they all followed your walk
all so amazed by your game that they never
really saw they never said;

{ chorus }
What a beautiful lady,What a good looking woman
Such a beautiful lady,Such a good looking woman
you are no wonderkid
you are....
You're a beautiful lady, and if you were my lady
I would call you my Angel, my beautiful lady.

Trubbach girls riding bareback she's riding wild
she's getting close to the jump that'll take her high, so high
it's good to see her out there she's having fun
she's worked so long
but a good year never ends and I hope she wont fall again

Take good care of yourself Martina'
never let your good times go away
For you are young yet you've travelled so far
and there'll be times when it'll all seem so hard
I'll call your name from a crowd
I'll remind you who you are just what you are

{ repeat chorus }

{ finale }
at the end of September will bring your day
wish I could be there to see you wake
b'cause I am so in love with you girl

Beautiful Lady.............
{ repeats to fade }

There is another song dedicated to Martina.
'Martina Swings' by Green Toughts. It's a rock song, unfortunately relatively short, and the digital recording isn't the best.

Download now Martina-Swings as mp3 file
(16bit-mono-32khz, compressed 1:10, 1:08 playing time, 0.4 MByte)

Here is the Text of the Song:

Martina swings and she smiles, as she starts another game.
It's a different crowd but the results are guaranteed to be the same.
Even when she's coming down her mind is always on the ball.
She pushes me to the edge and in the end I know she's gonna argue the call.

I was just watching the breeze blow through her skirt

I remember how cold it was the last time that I saw her.
But her smile seemed to warm the night she swung, and we could all feel her power.

I was just watching the breeze blow through her skirt

I tell her things I could never say to you.
And when I look in her eyes I'm swinging back.
...swing on fool

{ Thank you champ for your game and spirit }
{ This song is for you, Marc. }

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