I hate Micheal Jordan and the BULLS (don't even get me started... i hate ALL of them). I'm sooo glad Jordan is ogne...
Hakeem Olajuwon is my favorite NBA player--- guess why!! (He's Muslim, in case u didn't know). Next is Starks, and then GRANT HILL rules Detroit! yeah!!
OK, i kno soap operas are nothin but garbage where nobody dies for real, except occasionally or if they're leaving the show, and everyone sleeps with everyone and there are kidnappers and bad guys and mobsters in every one of them... but there is one Soap opera that stands out: GENERAL HOSPITAL. OK, there are some crazy things in this, but it is sooo good. i'm soo hooked. i'm mad tho cuz i spent the entire last week crying in every episode bcuz Lucky was "dead" and now they're telling me he is alive, not dead. UGH-- i'm sooo happy but i feel like i wasted a week! What else, brenda shouldn't have died. Luke and Laura should be together. i dont like stefan... or catherine... or AJ, or Carly. Liz and Emily make me sick sometimes. Taggert and Sonny and Jason and Nikolas are cool! Well, ABC has the best soap opera on their network~ General Hospital!
Indian movies are ok,(not that American movies are that much better) though we shouldn't watch them since they are all kafirs... but a lot of us do anyway. I've gotten a lot of critiicism for saying what i just said. Some people think it's hypocritical, but think what you want. Who's perfect?? I haven't seen a whole lot of movies real recently, cuz I've been busy with school and volleyball and stuff. ANYWAYZ, I still love the video to Thurasa Pagla (Aur Pyar Ho Gaya)-- but Ms. India CANNOT act!! More RECENTS: Kuch Kuch Hota Hai was AWESOME. I didn't like Hum Apke Dil Mein Rehte Hein because it was boring and dumb. I mean, i was glad for the new story line, it wasnt the traditional boring thing, but i didn't like what they did with it. The songs were ok, but they were all in dreams! none of them were for real! THe songs in SOLDIER are really good... and there are 2 songs i like that i found and i don't know what movie they're in. i'mnot even sure what they're saying. One is: "Ekh punjaban, Gori punjaban.., dil churakar, legayiiiiiii!!" and the other song is like, "Magni howeeheh, nehin shadi... kul karenge paki, ye prem ka qadi... etc"
SOME OLDER MOVIES: Umm, DUPLICATE was pretty good. there's really only one good song( Mere Mehboob). What else: Dil Se, was sooo weird. Have i mentioned that i *HATE* shahrukh? ugh. cant stand him, his face, his laugh, anything. but he's a good actor, i'll give him that. Pyar to Hona Hi Tha it was ok. a lil boring cuz it was predictable, but it was ok. i dont like that ajay guy either. I wanna see JAB KISSEE SE PYAR HOTA HAI bcuz i never did. What else... okPYAR KIYA TO DARNA KIYA... that was good, bcuz salman was in it! heheheh. what else? oh, Dil To Pagal Heh , was ok.
Leo is not da bomb...LEO SUX!!! He is SUCH a pretty boy... "I bet if I stepped on his foot, he would start crying." The only reason i saw TITANIC was to watch him DIE!! Everything else was sad, but when he floated away, i was LAUGHING! I was sooo happy! Sorry Ty! :) I was just wondering something: I think Leo and Matt Damon look EXACTLY alike… yet theres a strong diff- Damon's actually mascular, not fem. Heheheehehehehehheh.
AIGHT... stay tuned for more of my wonderful opinions!!!