Welcome to my Zigmund Palffy Page!
Alas is it a sad day, Ziggy has retired from the NHL effective immediately. He has said "personal reasons" led to his decision though it is believed to partially be due to a shoulder injury he sustained while with the Kings. I'm very sad, and very happy that I got to see him play one last time when the Pens were in Columbus. Here's to hoping he'll find his happiness elsewhere, Best of Luck Ziggy!
Press Release from Penguins Official Site
Yahoo Story

PLEASE NOTE: I AM NOT ZIGMUND PALFFY, nor am I affiliated with him in anyway.
Email me at palffy16.geo###@yahoo.com (Remove the ### before sending)
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*Disclaimer* I am in NO way associated with the NHL, Pittsburgh Penguins, or Zigmund Palffy. This page was created for my
personal glorifiying of the player Zigmund Palffy. All logos are
property of the NHL, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. Picture above taken by Keith Srakocic of the Associated Press. Please don't sue me.
This page is mantained by me, Wendy Bugosh, I don't make any money making this page, actually I probably lose money with all the time I waste updating and working on it and not looking for a real job.
Last updated January 19th 2006; 13:18 EST
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