ISOA (Israel Sport Orienteering Association) - This is the official home page of the ISOA. (updated 22.11.98)
1997/1998 Orienteering schedule / Otzma CUP 1998 new2.gif (111 bytes)
Coming orienteering events (updated 22.11.98) new2.gif (111 bytes)
The Israeli Triathlon Association - Information about Triathlon events in Israel (updated 6.9.98)
ITA (Israel Triathlon Association) 1998 Schedule
Ayalot - The home page of the first and biggest runners, triathletes & cyclists club in Israel (updated 6.9.98)
tabor.gif (9458 bytes)new2.gif (111 bytes)
"Tour De Israel" - 1998 Bicycle journey cross the holy land new2.gif (111 bytes)
Me - Tomer Geminder

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