Russian Music in Real Audio
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Radiostations (live broadcast)
Moscow -- St. Petersburg -- Khabarovsk -- Vladivostok -- Perm' -- Toliatti -- Samara -- Yekaterinburg -- Kaliningrad
Dnepropetrovsk -- Kiev -- Tallinn --- Chicago -- Montreal -- Sweden
If the following links do not work, try these pages:Russian radio
Russian TV
Russkoye Radio (Moscow) - homepage ; (095) 956-0615, 742-4224; pager (095) 974-2511 (abonent: Russkoye Radio)
Silver Rain (Moscow 100.1 FM) - homepage ; requests: (095) 946-2180,
Echo Moskvy (Moscow 73.82 FM, 1206 AM) - homepage
Radio 101 (Moscow 101.2 FM) - homepage
Hit FM (Moscow) - homepage
Radio Rakurs (Moscow) - homepage
Radio "Stantsiya" (Moscow 106.8 FM) - homepage
Mayak (Moscow) - homepage ; ph: (095) 950-26-49
Olimp-Asia (Khabarovsk) - homepage ; requests (4212) 21-62-73
Radio VBC (Vladivostok 101.7 FM, 612 AM) - homepage
Radio Modern (St. Petersburg 71.66 FM) - homepage
Maximum-Perm' (Perm' 103.2 FM, 7080 YKB)
Radio Avgust (Toliatti 102.3 FM, 70.64 FM) - homepage
Radio C (Yekaterinburg 103.7 FM, 68.39 FM) - homepage
Samara-Maximum (Samara 104.3 FM) - homepage
Baltic Plus (Kaliningrad 105.2 FM) - homepage
Radio Mix (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine 107.3 FM) - homepage
Gala Radio (Kiev, Ukraine 100 FM) - homepage ; ph: (380-44) 246-4210; e-mail:
Raadio 4 (Eesti Raadio) (Tallinn, Estonia) - homepage ; (372) 6 114 126; e-mail:
New Horizons (Chicago, USA WKTA 1330 AM) - homepage ; (847) 677-1503,
New Life (Chicago, USA) - homepage ; (847)498-3400,
Russian Alliance (Montreal, Canada)
Radio Sweden - Russian program; homepage
Radiostations around the world
Pesni (Songs)
Verish' mne ili net - from the movie "Bol'shoe kosmicheskoe puteshestvie" (classic)
Mlechnyi Put' - from the movie "Bol'shoe kosmicheskoe puteshestvie" (classic)
Snezhinka - from the movie "Charodei" (classic)
Kroshka moya - by Ruki Vverkh (modern pop)
Zima, xoloda... - by Andrei Gubin (modern pop)
Topolinyi Pux - by Ivanushki International (modern pop)
Sterx - from album "Shestoy lesnichiy" by Alisa (classic rock); 28.8 modem version
Moe pokolenie - from album "Shabash" by Alisa; 28.8 modem version
Chastushki - from album "Gulyai muzhik" by Sektor Gaza, make sure you are over 18 ;-)
Bands, Singers
Vladimir Vysotskiy
Kino ; also here and here
Sektor Gaza ; also here
Ruki Vverkh - popular contemporary group
Andrey Gubin - pop music
Boris Grebenschikov
Mashina Vremeni
Pamyati Viktora Tsoya - Tribute to Viktor Tsoi: 20 min documentary film, includes videos of his songs
News Broadcasts from around the World - from SCOLA Channel 1 (USA); for 28.8-56K
Audio and Video Collections
Music.Ru Audio Archive - an extensive collection
Muzykal'naya kopilka - contemporary Russian :o)
RusRock - Real Audio Collection
Pesni iz kinofil'mov - songs from the popular movies incl. "12 stul'ev", "Ironiya sud'by", "Eskadron gusar letuchix", etc.
Real'noe Audio, Odnako! - songs: pionerskie, iz kinofil'mov, patrioticheskie, dlya detei
Russian Real Audio and Video Hotline
Other Cool Sites
Police, Fire, Air Traffic Control Frequences
This license plate bears a Russian swear word ;-)
To get in the mood listen to "Neprilichnye chastushki" by Sektor Gaza
Know any other cool Russian radiostations/websites??? Send it in!
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