Fishing Page
I know, it has been a while since this page first came up. I said
I would update it soon, but I did not. So it is time. Below
you will find some pictures of the Canadian wilderness. It is an
annual trip for my family members to go on a fishing trip in the middle
of nowhere. So here are some of the pictures from the last trip.
I think we rely far too much on the electrical power that we have,
so this trip is always a welcome break. The one think that I have
not done yet for this page is create my video capture. Most of the
photographs are of the scenery and wildlife. This is because I video
taped most of the fish catching. It is much more fun to relive it
on video than with a picture or two. I will be adding that for download
later on.
As the journey begins, you must first be able to get beyond this
dam and rocks.
After about two hours on the river, you run into some small rapids.
The best bet is for you to shut off the motor and use your oars.
Then hope you make it through without losing a prop.
Just beyond the rapids you come to this rock wall.
Because of the shadows on it, it is not easily seen.

The two photos above are of a moose calf. As we came out
for supplies after three days, we rounded a bend in the river and there
he stood. But with the sound of the motor he was startled and decided
to try to swim away down river.
Also on that same trip out we encountered this moose on the river
Considering that we were in Canada, the loons were plentiful.
The remaining pictures are of the beautiful scenery that the Canadian
wilderness has to offer!
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Alan Meline Fishing Guides
Last Updated June 3, 1997 by Dan