Brett's Gyrocopter Web Page
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You may be wondering, what is a gyrocopter, autogyro, or even rotorcraft? Well all of these names actually refer to the same aircraft. This aircraft is different from a helicopter, because to top rotor isn’t powered by a engine. The engine in back of the gyro, pushes it forward, allowing wind to rotate the top rotor, giving it lift. This is quite an amazing concept, but yet quite simple. Igor Bensen invented one of these so called gyros, and early spectators bet it wouldn’t fly, but sure enough it did. "Wow was it a sight" they said, how something so simple could obtain lift. He is in mind, the creator of it all.

Download a sample of real RAF2000 in action!
  • quicktime (1599 k ) movie.

    Don't forget your compass!!!

    Brett Wendt

    Other Gyrocopter Sites

    Ralph Taggarts Web Page(designer of the Gyrobee)
    Rotorcraft Conferencing
    Rich's constuction photos of the Gyrobee
    PRA Chapter 35
    PRA Chapter 13
    PRA Chapter 5
    PRA Chapter 30
    David L. DeWinter's Gyro Page
    Aerotec's Price list for the Gyrobee

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