Cubs News & Insights

This page is not designed to keep you up to date with all the stats and stories, but to offer thoughts and insights into the issues and controversies surrounding the Cubs. Hopefully this will lead to further discussion and debate.

Would You Please Follow Ryno's Lead and RETIRE ALREADY!!!!


Must feel good to know that your trade value is a Double A pitcher. See ya Frank! (It's about time!)

Here's What Some Miserable Cubs Fans Have Had To Say Lately...

As science progresses in it's understanding of genetics, does anyone think that they will be able to reverse the problem I suffer from, genetic Cub Fanisitis? 7/30
I Would Settle for a Rojas-ectomy

When is Andy McPhail going to live up to his reputation of making something out of nothing? He has a pathetic lineup and plenty of room under the salary cap. There is no question that the team is solvent financially with 25,000+ fans showing up every day to watch the carnage. Andy, you need to get it together or get out of town. 7/31

Mr. McFail... Mr. McFail... Paging Mr. McFail... Your Team Sucks... Where are You Mr. McFail?

Do the Cubs have a bullpen coach? He is doing a fine job with Mr. Rojas. How can you argue with number like Mel is putting up this year? 0-4 with 6 blown saves. Sure it falls in line with the past debacles in the Cubs' bullpen, but when is enough enough? 7/31

The Cubs Bullpen Coach Has Been Reassigned ... Here is His New Job...

Playing in the "friendly confines of Wrigley Field pretty much dictates that pitching will never be successful with the Cubs. It seems that any other team in a similar situation (such as Colorado) would realize this and cease their efforts to turn their staff into another Atlanta Braves. Maybe the Cubs need to realize this and take a hint from the Rockies. Perhaps a lineup based only around the first six hitters would be better than attempting to win with a balanced team. Forget the pitchers, stock up on big hitters! 7/22

How can a baseball team stay so mediocre for so long? 7/22

I have seen every Cubs game for the last two years. All I think the Cubs need is a good reliever and Offense!If Sammy Sosa can turn up the volume with Mark Grace it'll be a little better then. Also, Mel Rojos has to stop blowin' games, I don't know how but I if he can the Cubs can add on a few more wins.And I shouldn't forget about the trades. If they could get a young and good secondbaseman and shortstop other than Dunston and Sandberg it'll cut down on about 20 valuable errors.They also have to trade McRea for a good hitting center of right fielder. I can go on forever but I'll stop. I hope maybe the Cubs will listen to and maybe do better in the standings in a few years. 7/27

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