Are You the Most Miserable Cub Fan this World Has Known?

Then Let Me Hear You!

I have been a miserable cub fan since 1945 when I saw the cubs play 6 doubleheaders, a phenom which has become as extinct as greed as become pervasive. I moved to the west coast in '62 to get away from the miserable cubbies but it did not help. Hey, everything is relative. This is a relatively GOOD year. Of course we have not been thru the August swoon yet, so it's hard to get up too much. Signed, David Gortner age 12 in 1945. My favorite Cubbie is still Mr. E. Banks. No one has ever had wrists like Ernie. 7/22/98

Thank you very much for your e-mail David. Your pessimism is appreciated!

I've got a winning team in my backyard in Los Angeles.....why in god's name am I still a fan after 31 years ????? 2/20/98

Do not attempt to question why you are a Cubs fan. Many have tried and most have wound up without the use of their right leg (I have no idea what that means).

Why every time a cub player gets traded, he becomes an ALL STAR or wins the Cy Young Award ? Can anyone explain this to me ? Augusto Varela -- No. 1 Miserable CUB Fan in the Republic of Panama 2/17/98

Ahh, this is the #1 Complaint of a Miserable Cubs Fan. Yes, this usually happens -- however, this will be put to the test with Mel Rojas!

I'm actually a Detroit Tigers fan, but I have become a Cubs fan because of WGN. It's so sad to see the cubs lose every single year. I can't take it!! At least the tigers win once in a while. Dump Servais, dump Riggleman, dump the front office, dump the pitching staff. 12/11/97

You truly are a man wallowing in misery -- A Tigers and Cubs Fan!?!

Every summer I have these great expectations that I'll listen to Harry say CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! all the way to the playoffs. But instead I hear Steve Stone trying to talk Harry out of talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Where does that leave me? Watching one of my favorite movies on video called Taking Care of Business, where James Belushi plays an escaped convict who wins tickets to see the Cubs in the World Series. Then I fantasize about actually seeing Grace hit a home run to win it all and bring the Championship to Wrigley Field. 10/31/97

The Words "Great Expectations" and "Cubs" Have Never Been in the Same Sentence Before ... Congratulations on that Accomplishment!

I am by far the most miserable Cub Fan of us all. The reason? Here in Sweden there is no Baseball whatsoever. On my trip to Chicago this spring I learnt to love this great game and now there's no way I can even know how my Cubbies are doing. I am truely miserable... 9/3/97

This could be a blessing! Ignorance can be bliss when it comes to being a Cubs fan!

since i was a kid on the south side of chicago, i've had to deal with hearing about the dismal CUBS. i was at Ernie Banks day in 65. i cried with everyone else in 69. remembered billy williams having to go to oakland to play in the WORLD SERIES. took tons of humilating phone calls after steve garvey buried the cubs in 84. and was trashed once again in 88 when the cubs went nowhere in the playoffs. the last game i went to at wrigley, the cubs were ahead in the bottom of the 8th only to lose it in the 9th. i became a cub fan during my innocence in the 60's. i waited in the 70's. i had my hopes dashed in the 80's and in the 90's, i've seem the tribune company smile as wrigley still attracts good crowds, but won't do what it takes to bring a winner to chicago. my patience is running out. let me put it this way. my gramdfather was 6 years old when the cubs last won a world series. my father was in high school when the cubs were last in a world series. my question is and the world wonders, will i be a grandfather before i see the cubs in the series. i can only hope i live that long! 9/6/97

O Ye of Little Faith ... Have no Fear Because Amaury Telemaco, Terry Adams, Kevin Foster, and Jose Hernandez Will Lead All of Us Loyal Cub Fans to the Promised Land!!!