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Information about Phoenix Long O

Orienteering is an outdoor sport which combines a physical challenge with a mental one.
It involves finding your way on foot round a set of specified control points as quickly as possible.

Health Warning : Orienteering can be highly addictive - people have been known to get more than a little enthusiastic about it.

To find out more (based on a view from the North East of England)

  • More about orienteering
  • Where does it take place?
  • What sort of events are there?
  • What happens at an event?

    Most regular orienteers belong to a club. Newcastle and Tyneside Orienteers are based on the North East of England. The club runs frequent events and some of the results are on the web.
    Click here for the club web site

    These pages were last updated on October 31st, 2003

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