friends pictures.gif

Section ONE


Family Pictures

Section FOUR

Section FIVE

Mazein Ameir

Mazein is one of my real close friend when I was a kid but now he lives in Riyadh ,Saudi Arabia and I live in Toronto, Canada.

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The people you see on the left side ,are real close friends to me and I know all of them in Saudi Arabia that was when I was a kid, and I did get to see them in the summer of ‘97 when I went down to Saudi Arabia .



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Mohammed Atari

This guy is one of the guy that is you were in need of help , he would do everything to help you.


WORNING If you see this guy in the street ,RUN, just kidding this guy is a real helper, I know this guy in Saudi Arabia 7 years ago, and now he lives near my City in Canada.


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Wasiem is a person that would take you a hundred km to buy a gum.