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Come All Ye Faithful

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Fraternal greetings to our friends across Europe:

Die Nordkurve, Borussia MGB  &   Il Curva Sud, AC Milan 

   "The crowd, the constant noise, the breath and hum, a basso rumble building now and then, the genderness of what they share in their experience of the game, how a man will scratch his wrist or shape a line of swearwords. And the lapping of applause that dies down quickly and is never enough. They are waiting to be carried on the sound of rally chant and rhythmic handclap, the set forms and repetitions. This is the power they keep in reserve for the right time. It is the thing that will make something happen, change the structure of the game and get them leaping to their feet, flying up together in a free thunder that shakes the place crazy." 
   from 'Underworld' by Don DeLillo

   "I rossi arrivano alla collina, ragazzi, ci ridono tutti addosso, ci ridono tutti addosso, diconoo tutti che abbiamo i giorni contati, nati per essere 'Scouse', siamo vittoriosi..." 
   from 'Da Liverpool A San Siro: Cori Del Liverpool' by the Curva Sud, Milan.

redarrow.gif (64 bytes) The Kop Chart (best games) so far 1999-2000  
   The following games have been 'scored' out of 10. Joint top are Leeds Utd (away) and Arsenal (home). Both were equally satisfying: one a Herculean effort by 1600 travelling Reds to outshout and outsing twenty times that number on a cold Monday night in Yorkshire, the other a return to 'Fortress' Anfield with the entire ground awash with colour, song and passion. Magnificent.
   At the other end of the decibel-ometer, Hull both at home and away was as quiet as The Tip most Saturdays.

Leeds Utd


Fans on a mission 10
Arsenal home Awesome 'Fortress' Anfield 10
Glam Sky PLC home Anfield Pride 9
Everton home Intense passion (... hatred?) 8
Aston Villa away See Leeds. 7
Bradford City home Viva Titi! 7
Sheff Wed away Point proved - Justice Now! 6
Watford home Reputation enhanced. 6
Bradford home Rather good considering 6
Derby Cty home Patience on the pitch and off it 6
Middlesbrough away It's a dump 5

redarrow.gif (64 bytes) The Kop Chart (best singing/support - individual efforts)
The Best chant of the last month or so was to Bradford's blonde-haired black substitue: "There's only one pint of Guinness!".


redarrow.gif (64 bytes) FlagDays 1999-2000   
The FlagDay at the GlamU game on Sept. 11 was extremely well supported and The Kop looked fabulous - particularly the huge flag in the top left corner (block 203?). The next flag Day is our 40th Anniversary SHANKLY Day on December 18th at the Coventry City game. More details will be posted soon.


© Red All Over The Land 1999