The Liverpool Way
(fanzine) Edited by
Dave Usher. Dave used to be a contributor to TTW&R (see below) but has now branched
out on his own. The fanzine is easily recognised with it's bright red, glossy covers with
colour photos and the, frankly, embarrassing advert for a Liverpool lap-dancing bar on the
back. LTW is well produced but still struggling to find its own identity - the first issue
only came out in Aug. 99. That said, its not bad at all. It costs £2 an issue and is
available by post (add 30p p&p for the UK, 60p for Europe and 75p for the Rest of the
world) from PO Box 12, Liverpool L31 7EJ. Make cheques payable to 'The Liverpool Way
Fanzine'. RAOTL Rating ***
Faith Of Our
(Paperback) By Alan
Edge. Alan is an ex-Kopite (currently residing in row 1 of the Main Stand) who grew up
idolising Billy Liddell in the fifties, and witnessed (as well as being part of) the
phenomenon that was The Kop in the early and mid sixties. From the dark days of relegation
and division 2 to L'age D'Or of Kopmania and beyond, this book traces Alan's baptism as a
Red and the subsequent inexorable blossoming of his devotion, and culminaates in the 90s
with the horror of Hillsborough and the descent of the game into a money-mad circus.
Price: £9.99. Available in WH Smith, Dillons and Waterstones (all Liverpool City Centre).
ISBN 1 897850 97 2 or available from the publisher: Two Heads Publishing, 9 Whitehall
Park, London, N19 3TS. RAOTL Rating *****
With A Liverbird Upon My Chest
(fanzine) No clues in
the 'zine itself as to the identity of the author(s), which is just as well as I reckon
there'll be a few people wanting their £1 back. After seeing 'All Day & All Of The
Night' (See below) I thought that I'd never see a flimsier or more throwaway Liverpool
fanzine - well, I've found one now. At a conservative estimate you could read this in 5 or
6 minutes, and that includes doing the quiz. Back cover has the words to the ubiquitous
Kop song and includes, what I presume is, the author's own first verse. The front cover is
very simple and quite effective: traditional red Liverbird and title. But inside -entire
A5 pages are filled with: My Best Ever Liverpool XI (just the eleven players' names - no
comment or anything!) , a fixture list, the quiz, a squad list and list of honours ...
it's embarrassing. There are also 2 competitions in which to enter you are asked to send 4
first class stamps !!!! I'd give this a very wide berth if I were you. E-mail WALUMC at or postal
address is PO Box 254, Liverpool, L69 2QT. RAOTL Rating *
Through The Wind & Rain.
(fanzine) Edited by
Steve Kelly and available from PO Box 23, Bootle, Merseyside, L30 2SA. Not the original
Liverpool fanzine (That honour belongs to Ian Tilley's long-gone 'When Sunday Comes'), but
still regarded as the benchmark we all aspire to. Expanded in Summer 97 to phone-book
thickness (around 52 pages) with a price rise to £2.00 per issue. Now published just 4
times a season but well worth the wait. Subscription rates are: (UK) £2.50 per issue or
£11 per season incl. p&p (EEC) £3.00 per issue icl. p&p (Non-EEC) £3.50 per
issue incl. p&p. Please make cheques & POs payable to S.Kelly. US supporters can
send dollars ($) but please send $5 bills. E-mail TTW&R on Available over the counter at
City News, Old Hall Street, Liverpool. Also at Our Price Records, Central Station
Liverpool & Southport. Virgin Megastore, Birkenhead. Current issue plus some back
issues at Sportspages in London & Manchester, as well as Piccadilly Records, Manc. On
matchdays it'll be sold by all the usual reprobates around the ground, including Barry
Stone if he can be arsed getting out of bed. .....RAOTL Rating *****
Another Vintage Liverpool Performance
(fanzine) Edited by
Andy Hampson & Roy Gilfoyle, from 13 Winwick Lane, Lowton, Warrington, WA3 1LR. Price
£1:00 for c.40 A5 pages. E-mail on
Much improved of late and later issues feature the ... er ... 'eccentric' (yet very funny)
cartoons of Mark Owen, whose 'toons have brightened up the pages of RAOTL in the past.
Covers all seem to be a variation on the Private Eye-type 'satirical newspaper headline
and story' theme. Rest of the issue similarly predictable, but occasionally quite funny
and worth a quid of anyone's money. UK subs rates: 2 issues £2:40, 3 issues £3:60, 4
issues £4:80 etc. Cheques payable to GA Hampson. If you look very, very hard you may also
find it on sale outside the ground. Web site recently revamped. RAOTL Rating ***
Back Where We Belong
(Paperback) Written by
life-long Red, and budding Ernest Hemmingway, Eddie Cotton. Eddie was a staff writer
at the brilliant, but now defunct, 'XTRA Time' LFC newspaper, and during the 93-94 season
he followed The Reds from the comfort and security (you poof, Eddie!) of the Press Box.
Eddie had access to Melwood to interview the players and the book is littered with
uncensored anecdotes and great quotes. The secrets of the Press Box are secrets no more -
as Eddie's unmasking of The Echo's Ric George amply demonstrates. BWBB is a warts-and-all
account of the season that saw The Reds lift the League Cup at Wembley (Hence the title)
and is available at the bargain price of £5.00 (plus £1 p&p) from Eddie at Flat 1,
35 Radstock Road, Kensington, L6 3AU, Merseyside. .....RAOTL Rating ***½
The Voice Of Anfield
(Paperback) Also
written by Eddie Cotton. Ed has
turned interviewer here and this book is a hilarious, crude and occassionally frightening
account of following The Reds all over the land - and the continent - during the 70s and
80s. A no-punches-pulled story of fighting, drinking and singing all undertaken whilst
supporting Liverpool FC in places as far apart as Barnsley and Moscow. 'Oral History' it
would be called by academics - but don't let that put you off; it is very, very funny.
Bargain price of £5.00 - was £7.99 - (plus £1 p&p) from Eddie at Flat 1, 35
Radstock Road, Kensington, L6 3AU, Merseyside. .....RAOTL Rating ****
25th of May
(fanzine) Edited by
Dave Brenner & Simon Davis and helped in the production by Kopite-in-exile Sean Woods.
Magzine of the < New York Supporters
Club. > '25th of May' is available to members only and membership (for US
supporters) costs $10 per season: August 1 through July 31 (first time members who join
after March 1 get membership through to the FOLLOWING July 31, i.e. over 12 months). If
people prefer they can send £10 (UK), but cash only please - no UK cheques. Issued every
other month. Despite being 3,000 miles away these guys have their finger on the pulse, and
although it's like a newsletter in appearance it's definitely fanzine in content. Join or
contact the club at LFCSC-NY, PO Box 7071, FDR Station, New York, NY 10150, USA. The
NYC-LFCSC also have a 24hr hotline - phone (212) 971-1959. Check out their web site at < NYC LFC SC > RAOTL Rating ***½
The Liverpudlian
(historical journal)
Edited by Kopites John Mackin & Jim Gardiner. Magazine dedicated to the history of the
club. Includes articles about memorabilia, statistics, collectables etc. The first issue
is taking longer to come out than Michael Barrymore. John blames pressures of work ... Not
available until Spring 2000 at the earliest. But contributions for inclusion will be
gratefully accepted, and everything will be considered for publication.
(fanzine) Edited
by Torbjorn Flatin. Magazine of the Scandanavian Supporters Club. Costs 29Kr. -
which is about £3, but things are expensive in Norway. By far the most professional
looking mag of the lot, not surprising given the financial clout and influence of this
branch of the Supporters Club (over 20,000 members.). Glossy with high production values -
often doubles as a catalogue for club merchandise. Covers reserve, youth matches etc. and
carries extensive stats and line-ups. Would get a higher rating if it was not in
Norwegian! RAOTL Rating ***½
Defunct fanzines
Anyone out
there know of any more? Let us know - send us a copy - and receive a free 3 issue
subscription to RAOTL. |