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redarrow.gif (64 bytes) Faith Of Our Fathers
by Alan Edge  stars-5.gif (430 bytes)

Brilliant. Reviewed in RAOTL # and in the June issue of 'The Kop'. Many a new 'football fan' would do well to read this account of a Liverpudlian's indoctrination into the Red faith. Marvellously portrays the difference between being a 'supporter' and being 'a fan'.

List Price £7.99
RAOTL Price: £6.39 (save £1.60)

Faith Of Our Fathers

redarrow.gif (64 bytes) Extra Time by Kevin Sampson stars-5.gif (430 bytes)

Highly recommended. Reviewed in RAOTL # 28. Hilarious account of season 1997-98. Great tales from the 'riots' at Barnsley and O.T. and the piss-ups at Celtic etc. and Kevin paints a vivid, almost Dickensian, gallery of rogues, reprobates and ne'er do wells. (But how come I'm not in it?)

List Price £10.00
RAOTL Price: £8.00 (save £2.00)

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redarrow.gif (64 bytes) Hillsborough: The Truth
by Phil Scraton

Harrowing, detailed and passionate account of the Hillsborough Disaster and the ensuing denial of justice and dignity to the dead, the bereaved and injured. (Review will appear in RAOTL # 35).

List Price £9.99
RAOTL Price: £7.99 (save £2.00) - any referral fee from this book will be donated to the campaigns for Justice For The 96.


hborotruthcover.gif (13392 bytes) redarrow.gif (64 bytes) When you walk through the storm
by Anne Williams, Sean Smith

The story of 15 year old Kevin Williams' death at Hillsborough and his mother's 10 year battle to uncover the truth behind the events that day in April 1989.

List Price £9.99
RAOTL Price: £7.99 (save £2.00) - any referral fee from this book will be donated to the campaigns for Justice For The 96.

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redarrow.gif (64 bytes) Jan The Man - From Anfield to Vetch Field
by Jan Molby

To be published this summer. The story of Big Jan's career at Anfield - including his tremendous contribution to the Double of '86 - and then follows him into the precarious world of management.

No review available.

List Price £16.99
RAOTL Price: £13.59 (save £3.40)

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redarrow.gif (64 bytes) John Barnes - The Autobiography
by John Barnes stars-4.gif (402 bytes)

We've not received a review copy so I haven't read this yet. It comes highly recommended however, and JB throws some very interesting light on Roy Evans' inability to reign in the excesses of some of the senior players and the discipline problems that followed.

List Price £16.99
RAOTL Price: £13.59 (save £3.40)

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