What Do They Say About Stock?

1. "He's the smartest player I have ever play with." Karl Malone,teammate.
2. "There's nobody who can distribute the ball plus lead his team ,like John Stockton." Magic Johnson.
3. "I will come around off a pick and in the split-second I am open ,the ball wll just be sitting there, waiting to be a shot." Jeff Hornacek,teammate.
4. "He's a small magic johnson. He always seems to make the right decision at the right time." K.C. Jones, former head coach.
5. "And then he makes dead meat out of them." David Benoit,former teammate on what stockton does to point guards who think that they can take that "little white guy".
6. "You can't relax for a second with him. He sees everything and he is aware of everything." Johnny Dawkins ,PG.
7. "I would have to split this award right down the middle and give half of it to john." Karl Malone, after winning the 1989 All-Star MVP award.