Inscription | Country | Years | #Issued |
Rarotonga | Cook Islands | 1919-32 | 45 |
Ras al Khaima | Ras al Khaima | 1964 | 8 |
Ras al Khaima | Ras al Khaima(rebelion) | 1964-73 | 800 |
Rayon I | Switzerland | 1850-52 | 4 |
Rayon II | Switzerland | 1850-52 | 4 |
Rayon III | Switzerland | 1850-52 | 4 |
Redonda | Antigua e Barbuda | 7? | |
Regence de Tunis | Tunisia | 1888-1902 | 30 |
Reichspost | Germany | 1889-1901 | 30 |
Reino de Portugal | Portugal(not issued) | 1919 | 5- |
Reunion | France: Reunion(isl) | 1885-47 | |
RF | France/French Colonies | ||
Rheinland-Pfalz | Germany (French occ.) | 1947-49 | 50 |
Rhodes(ovpt) | Italy: Aegean Islands(isl) | 1912-32 | <125(all isl)- |
Rhodesia | Rhodesia | 1965-78 | 220 |
Rhodesia & Nyasaland | Rhodesia & Nyasaland | 1954-63 | 60 |
Rio de Oro | Rio de Oro? | 1905-22 | 150 |
Rio Muni | Spanish Guinea | 1960-68 | 85 |
Rodi | Italy: Aegean: Rodi | 1912-35 | 140 |
Romagne | Italy: Romagna(sta) | 1859 | 10 |
Romania | Romania | 1872-1947 | 1100 |
Ross Dependency | New Zeland: Ross Dependency | 1957- | 25 |
Rossija | Russia | 1991- | |
Roumelie Orientale | East Rumelia | 1880-84 | 20 |
Royaume de l'Arabie Saoudite | Saudi Arabia | 1934-66 | 200 |
Royaume du Burundi | Burundi | 1962-66 | 170 |
Royaume du Cambodge | Cambodia | 1951-61(67?) | 50 |
Royaume du Cambodge | Cambodia | 1993-97 | |
Royaume du Laos | Laos | 1951-75 | 300 |
Royaume du Maroc | Morocco | 1958- | 600 |
Royaume du Yemen | Yemen | 1939-46 | 30 |
R.P. du Kampuchea | Cambodia | 1982-89 | |
R.P.E. Shqiperise | Albania | 1946-63 | 300 |
R.P. Romina | Romania | 1954-63 | 700 |
RPS E Shqiperise | Albania | 1976- | 900 |
RSA | South Africa | 1967- | 400 |
Ruanda-Urundi | Ruanda-Urundi | 1924-60 | 200 |
Rups | Bogus | ||
Rwanda | Rwanda | 1962- | 1300 |
Ryukyus | Ryukyu Islands(isl) | 1950-72 | 250 |
The inscriptions starting with "Rep" and "Post" have a separate table. |
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