Identify Stamps (title)


Inscription Country Years #Issued
Idar State India: Idar(sta) 1939-44 6
Ifni Ifni 1941-68 200
Ile de la Reunion France: Reunion(isl) 1852 2
Iles des Sourds Bogus    
Imperial Chinese Post China 1897-10  
Imperiales de Coree Korea 1903 15
Imperial Japanese Post Japan 1876-96 45
Imperial Korean Post Korea 1900-01 20
Imperio Colonial Portugues Portuguese Africa 1945 9
Impto da Guerra Spain (War Tax) 1874-97 30
Impuesto da Guerra Spain (War Tax) 1874-97 30
Inde Francais French India 1929  
India India 1854- 1800
India Port Portuguese India 1871-83 70
India Portuguesa Portuguese India 1877-86 120
Indochine Indo-China 1892-1946 440
Indonesia Netherlands Indies 1948-49 40
Indore State India: Indore(sta) 1904-47 40
Inhambane Mozambique: Inhambane(adm) 1895-1917 100
Instruccion (oval) Venezuela 1893 8
Iran Iran 1949- 1500
Iraq Iraq 1923- 1700
Irian Barat West Irian 1963-70 60
Island Iceland 1873- 700
Island Frimerki Iceland    
Islas Galapagos Ecuador: Galapagos Islands(isl) 1957-59 7
Isle of Man Great Britain: Isle of Man(isl) 1973- 320
Isole Jonie Great Britain: Ionian Islands(isl) 1941 10
Isole Italiane dell'Egeo Italy: Aegean Islands(isl) 1930-40 150
Israel Israel 1948- 1000
Istria Bogus    
Ita Karjala Karelia? 1922-43 40
Italia Italy 1945- 600


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