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What is AYSO?

AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the positive development of youth through the teaching and promotion of soccer. Founded in 1964 in Torrance California, AYSO operates soccer programs where young people can learn to develop a positive self-image, self-confidence and other positive character traits through their interest and participation in soccer. In 1964, AYSO started with about 125 players. Today that number has grown to nearly 600,000 players nationwide. Our phenomenal growth underscores AYSO's commitment to a healthy competitive atmosphere for young players and concern for the development of responsible individuals.

Although AYSO is committed to competitive soccer, we are also concerned that the competition be healthy and positive. Most importantly, AYSO believes that soccer should be fun for everyone involved (including players, coaches, referees, and parents). After all, AYSO is a volunteer organization. We should all be having fun and enjoying ourselves!

The five guiding principles of AYSO are:

Everyone Plays Our goal is for kids to play soccer. So we mandate that every player on every team must play at least half of every game.
Balanced Teams We require every region at the start of each season to set up teams as evenly balanced as possible - because it's more fun when teams of equal ability play.
Positive Coaching The way to make winning kids is by building them up, not down. We train and encourage our coaches to make the extra effort to understand and offer positive help to our players, rather than negative criticism.
Open Registration Our programs are open to all children between the ages of 4 1/2 and 18 who want to register and play soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing.
Good Sportsmanship We desire to create a positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude. All our programs must be designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.

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