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AYSO Divisions and Ages

Players are assigned to divisions according to age. Here are the divisions for the 1997-98 season:

Division Assignments

Division Born on or after: Born on or before:
1 August 1, 1979 July 31, 1981
2 August 1, 1981 July 31, 1983
3 August 1, 1983 (see note) July 31, 1985
4 August 1, 1985 July 31, 1987
5 August 1, 1987 July 31, 1989
6 August 1, 1989 July 31, 1991
7 (K) August 1, 1991 January 31, 1993

Special note: Players age eligible for Division 3 who will enter the ninth grade in the fall are requested to play in Division 2 unless they formally commit not to try out for or play in any high school team. The reason for this is that CIF rules do not allow high school players to participate in AYSO or other programs during the CIF season. The problem we have encountered is that Division 3 9th graders have left the program in November, thereby unbalancing the teams and leaving them short of players. Division 2 plays a shortened season which ends before the CIF season begins.

Players who (1) are in the seventh grade at school and (2) are age eligible for Division 4 and (3) as a result may only be eligible for one year of Division 3 under the above rule may (but are not required or even encouraged to) apply to be transferred to Division 3 a year early. No player born after December 31, 1985, no player in 6th grade, and no player without at least one year of experience in AYSO is eligible for transfer under this rule.

Under our Section's rules, players age eligible for Division 3 who play in Division 2 during the regular season are not eligible for selection to the Division 3 All Star tournament. They can be selected for the Division 2 All Stars tournament and they may also be selected for any other tournament at either Division 2 or 3 level, if those tournament rules permit. Sorry for the bureaucratic rules, but it does help the program.

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