A monthly publication for Tidewater Aquatic Club families

May 1997


Swimmers making academic honor roll:

Stacie Bliss
Lauren Bulkeley
Joy Burwell
Ellen Carey
Emily Chen
Kelli Crowder
Ryan Crowder
Katie Harkins
Kelly Harkins
Sarah Lutman
Kim Mason
Lara McBride
Betsy Pike
Paul Strait
Jed Sweigart
Stacey Sweigart
CONGRATULATIONS to Katie Mason for being selected 7th grade Student of the Month (May) at Great Neck Middle School.

CONGRATULATIONS to Paul Strait. He will be Co-Captain of the debate team at Tallwood High School next year.

Swimmers recognized for best attendance at swim practice during the month of April:

Group III Jessi Crowder (90%)
Pre-Senior Lara McBride (73%)
Senior Paul Strait (61%)
50% & AboveGroup III Laura Biles
Jessi Crowder
Kelli Crowder
Ryan Crowder
Amy Hruska
Nicole LaRochelle
Kim Mason
Joy Roberts
Emma Stillman
Stacey Sweigart
Stacie Bliss
Amanda Cole
Amanda Conley
Lara McBride
Lori Weaver
Steff Goldthwaite
Caroline Miller
Amanda Moore
Tim Norton
Sarah Lutman
Paul Strait
40% - 49%Group III
Sarah Burwell
Katie Harkins
Kelly Harkins
Jenny Biles
Anne Norton
Chrissy Ward
Lauren Bulkeley
Emily Chen
Will Powell
30% - 39%Group III
Ellen Carey
Lauren Koumbis
Katie Mason
Meaghan Walsh
Joy Burwell
Ben Jaworowski
Julie Jaworowski
Krista Johnson
Jed Sweigart
Daniel Stillman

CONGRATULATIONS to the following swimmers who were recently honored at the Virginia Swim Banquet held in Richmond. These swimmers were selected by their coach to receive the TAC Competitive Spirit Award.

12 & under

Jed Sweigart

12 & under

Stacey Bliss

13 & over

Paul Strait

13 & over

Lara McBride

CONGRATULATIONS to the following TAC swimmers who qualified for Short Course Zones:

Lauren Bulkeley

Emily Chen

*Steff Goldthwaite

Caroline Miller

*Amanda Moore

*Tim Norton

** Traveled with the Zone Team and competed in Buffalo, NY

Happy May birthday to the following swimmers:

Gary Anglin
Meaghan Walsh

MISCELLANEOUS TAC web site: http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/track/5464/

A Special THANKS to Sandy Biles,... Meg Jaworowski,... Mary McBride,... and Susan McCune... for providing refreshments at the annual members meeting.



TAC has completed another year of remarkable progress. In just three short years we have become a force in Virginia Swimming. Two facts illustrate this: 1. At short course Junior Olympics, TAC finished ahead of all other south Hampton Roads teams.2. TAC qualified 6 and sent 4 swimmers on the Virginia team to the US Swimming Eastern Zone Championship meet in Buffalo, NY. No other south Hampton Roads team did more.This was no accident. Our coaches, swimmers and pool facilities form a remarkably powerful engine for its size. The spark plugs of that engine, volunteers, have repeatedly made things happen. As families relocate and swimmers graduate to college swimming, we need to constantly rebuild the engine and renew those spark plugs. Help our swimmers get the most from their dedication and hard work; jump in and make something good happen for our team. Volunteer, invite a swimmer’s friend to practice or refer a prospect to Meg Jaworowski at 471-3503. One area where we can all contribute is the image of our team. Simply telling the story of why we belong to TAC can make a big difference. Help put our best foot forward whenever swimming and sports are discussed. Tell people what you like about TAC at US Swimming and high school swim meets. Tell a board member or come to a board meeting and present ideas where improvements are needed.


We have no current Age Group Representative for the 6 and under group. This is an opportunity to get involved in something worthwhile with your swimmer. Board meetings are once a month during practice. If no parent of a 6 and under swimmer volunteers, the Board of Directors is authorized by our bylaws to fill the position. Call Joe Miller at 474-2692.



Please treat our coaches with common courtesy. If some emergency arises that prevents you from picking your swimmer up promptly after practice, make arrangements with another parent to do so. Our coaches have families and other commitments just as we do. TAC does not want to initiate a penalty fee for coaches supervising stranded swimmers, and we will not leave swimmers unsupervised. We are not a day care center.


A new procedure, for ordering team apparel, is being developed. Apparel will now be ordered three (3) times a year (tentatively April, September and November).All orders will be submitted through Paula Goldthwaite. Once orders are submitted, a three (3) week turn around is expected. All checks are to be made out to TAC and submitted with each order. The team will now be ordering through Harold Baker who owns "Sports in Store" located in Williamsburg. Service is expected to be much better. For now until the suit is finalized, the team will be using a plain black suit offered in two (2) styles. Please call Paula Goldthwaite @ 363-2506 with any questions or concerns.


CONGRATULATIONS to our board members and parents. The May board meeting had an outstanding turn out. There was 100% attendance by present elected directors (9 of 10 positions held at this time; 6 and under age group representative vacant at this time, see From the President) and several parents. This is very important because (1) Our by-laws dictate that a quorum (half of the elected directors) must be present to conduct business (2) All elected directors were present when team decisions were being made and (3) The non-board members present were solicited to provided additional insight into the various topics brought before the board. Bob Strait recently requested a computer file copy of the news letter so that it could be added to the web site (see TAC web site). As a result, some "minor" changes to the news letter format were necessary to prevent inadvertent "scrambling" when installed at the web site. Some parents have informed me that they do not see the news letter (lost, wet, forgotten, etc). Since I am not an advocate of mailing (additional cost to the team), adding the news letter to the web site will provide an alternative method for accessing team information.

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March-April Newsletter


Swimmers who made academic honor roll: Stacie Bliss, Ben Jaworowski, Will Powell, Lauren Bulkeley, Julie Jaworowski, Kathryn Robinson, Joy Burwell, Lauren Koumbis, Stacey Robinson, Sarah Burwell, Sarah Lutman, Adam Steele, Ellen Carey, Katie Mason, Emma Stillman, Doug Cassell, Kim Mason, Paul Strait, Amanda Cole, Lara McBride, Jed Sweigart, Kelli Crowder, Amanda Moore, Stacey Sweigart, Ryan Crowder, Anne Norton, Meaghan Walsh, Steff Goldthwaite, Tim Norton, Chrissy Ward, Katie Harkins, Betsy Pike, Lori Weaver, Kelly Harkins

TAC welcomes the following new swimmers to the team: Garry Anglin, Angela Anglin, Amanda Conley
Happy March birthday to the following swimmers: Steff Goldthwaite, Lee McKnight, Caroline Miller

Happy April birthday to the following swimmers: Sarah Burwell, Katie Mason, Anne Norton, Adam Steele
Swimmers recognized for best attendance (over 50%) at Dry-Land Training during February: Senior Sarah Lutman 92%, Adam Steele 67%, Caroline Miller 83%, Paul Strait 67%, Tim Norton 83%, Will Powell 58%, Ben Jaworowski 75%, Andrea O’Ryan 50%, Emily Chen 67%, Daniel Stillman 50%, Steff Goldthwaite 67%, Pre-Senior Anne Norton 92%, Amanda Cole 67%, Stacie Bliss 82%, Jenny Biles 64%, Chrissy Ward 82%, Stacey Sweigart 57%, Joy Burwell 75%, Lara McBride 50%, Julie Jaworowski 75%, Jed Sweigart 50%, Swimmers recognized for best attendance at swim practice during the month of February: Group III Gary Anglin, Amy Hruska, Stacey Sweigart (85%) Pre-Senior Anne Norton (87%) Senior Caroline Miller (67%) 50% & AboveGroup III Pre-Senior Senior Gary Anglin, Stacie Bliss, Emily Chen, Sarah Burwell, Amanda Cole, Steff Goldthwaite, Ellen Carey, Ben Jaworowski, Sarah Lutman, Amanda Conley, Julie Jaworowski, Caroline Miller, Jessi Crowder, Lara McBride, Amanda Moore, Kelli Crowder, Anne Norton, Tim Norton, Ryan Crowder, Jed Sweigart, Will Powell, Katie Harkins, Chrissy Ward, Adam Steele, Kelly Harkins, Paul Strait, Amy Hruska, Mike Walsh, Lauren Koumbis, Kim Mason, Joy Roberts, Emma Stillman, Stacey Sweigart, Meaghan Walsh 40% - 49% Group III Pre-Senior Senior Katie Mason, Jenny Biles, Lauren Bulkeley, Joy Burwell, Andrea O’Ryan, Betsy Pike, Lori Weaver 30% - 39% Group III Pre-Senior Senior Doug Cassell, Daniel Stillman, Morgan Gerek, Krista Johnson

A "Special" thanks to Debbie Crowder for timing for MWR (and representing TAC) at the Navy Challenge, 500 Predictor Meet.

A "Special" thanks to Brad Stillman for helping TAC avoid a potential "conflict" with another swim team.

TAC SWIM NEWS March/April 1997 (Page 2)
COACH’S CORNER (continued)B/C Awards resulted in 25 new personal best times out of 38 individual events swam (66%). (new personal best times) Sarah Burwell (2), Ryan Crowder (3), Thalia O’Hearn (2), Ellen Carey (1), Katie Harkins (2), Kathryn Robinson (2), Kelli Crowder (2), Kelly Harkins (2), Stacey Robinson (3), Kimi Crowder (1), Nicole LaRochelle (2), Stacey Sweigart (3)

A/BB Championship Meet resulted in 130 new personal best times out of 184 individual events swam (71%) for TAC swimmers. (new personal best times) Jenny Biles (6), Sarah Lutman (8), Daniel Stillman (2), Stacey Bliss (6), Kim Mason (7), Emma Stillman (4), Joy Burwell (8), Lara McBride (4), Paul Strait (4), Ellen Carey (1), Caroline Miller (1), Jed Sweigart (8), Morgan Gerek (4), Anne Norton (3), Stacey Sweigart (1), Katie Harkins (3), Tim Norton (3), Meaghan Walsh (5), Kelly Harkins (3), Andrea O’Ryan (3), Mike Walsh (3), Amy Hruska (1), Betsy Pike (6), Chrissy Ward (6), Ben Jaworowski (7), Will Powell (3), Lori Weaver (1), Julie Jaworowski (1), Kathryn Robinson (4), Gary Anglin (1), Krista Johnson (7), Adam Steele (6)

The Senior Championship Meet resulted in 20 new personal best times out of 34 individual events swam (59%) for TAC swimmers. (new personal best times)Lauren Bulkeley (2) Caroline Miller (4) Will Powell (3)Amanda Cole (3) Amanda Moore (3) Mike Walsh (2)Steff Goldthwaite (1) Tim Norton (2)

JO’s resulted in 69 new personal best times out of 104 individual events swam (66%) for TAC swimmers.(new personal best times)Jenny Biles (4) Amy Hruska (1) Betsy Pike (5)Joy Burwell(2) Krista Johnson (1) Adam Steele (5)Emily Chen (9) Sarah Lutman (1) Emma Stillman (5)Amanda Cole (4) Anne Norton (8) Jed Sweigart (2)Morgan Gerek (8) Tim Norton (7) Chrissy Ward (3)Steff Goldthwaite (4)


Now that short course is over, and long course is fast approaching we are requesting that all meet entry account balances be brought back up to $50.00. If you have any questions about your account please contact Jane Bliss @ 543-9158.

The April Board Meeting is scheduled for April 13, 1997 at X-73 at 3:00 P.M.

Swimmers recognized for best attendance at swim practice during the month of March:Group III Jessi Crowder, Amy Hruska, Stacey Sweigart (95%)Pre-Senior Stacey Bliss (90%)Senior Amanda Moore (97%)50% & AboveGroup III Pre-Senior SeniorAmanda Conley Jenny Biles Lauren BulkeleyJessi Crowder Stacey Bliss Emily ChenKelli Crowder Joy Burwell Steff GoldthwaiteRyan Crowder Amanda Cole Sarah LutmanLeah Hampson Ben Jaworowski Caroline MillerKatie Harkins Julie Jaworowski Amanda Moore Kelly Harkins Krista Johnson Tim Norton Amy Hruska Anne Norton Will PowellLauren Koumbis Betsy Pike Adam Steele Nicole LaRochelle Jed Sweigart Kim Mason Chrissy Ward Joy Roberts Lori Weaver Emma Stillman Stacey Sweigart 40% - 49% Group III Pre-Senior SeniorSarah Burwell Morgan Gerek Andrea O’Ryan Meaghan Walsh Lara McBride Melissa Price Paul Strait Mike Walsh30% - 39%Group III Pre-Senior Senior Gary Anglin Doug Cassell Daniel Stillman Laura Biles Morgan Gerek Ellen Carey Krista Johnson Kathryn Robinson


TAC’s annual meeting is Monday, April 21. Please mark it on your calendar. Two locations are under review at Norfolk Naval Base. Several of our base costs such as pool time and US Swimming membership have increased. In order to maintain the number of available practices, pool time and excellent coaching with minimum dues increase, we need to increase our monthly average number of swimmers to 65. We can easily achieve this if each TAC family refers at least one prospective swimmer to our Membership Chairperson, Meg Jaworowski at 471-3503. Just tell them why you like TAC. Meg can do the rest. Remember, it is a violation to initiate recruiting of swimmers who are currently members of another US Swimming team. You can always answer questions.**************************************************** TAC SWIM NEWS March/April 1997 (Page 3) REMINDERØ USS Registration fees, $35.00 for each swimmer, have been paid by the team. Anyone not having paid, please mail to: TAC Treasurer, Janet Moore 42 Charles Parish Drive Poquoson, Va. 23662 Phone 868-3803Ø Dues are payable the 15th of the month and past due after the 25th. Mail dues' payments to: TAC Treasurer, Janet Moore (at the above address)Ø Parents, please ensure that your swimmer’s meet entry account is up to date. Contact Jane Bliss at 543-9158 for accurate meet entry account information. Meet entry account checks should be separate from dues' payments and mailed to Janet Moore at the above address. Make checks payable to TAC Meet Entry Account.TAC ITEMS FOR PURCHASEØ Bumper stickers are available at practice, for $3.00 each, from Meg Jaworowski.Ø Swim caps are available at practice, for $3.00 each, from Sandy Biles.Ø Apparel is available through Paula Goldthwaite at 363-2506.GENERAL INFOØ BASE PASSES; If you have any changes, contact Bruce Chen at 474-6587. TAC Board MembersPresident, Joe Miller 474-2692V/President, Willis Biles 471-3169Treasurer, Janet Moore 868-3803Secretary, Vacant Age Group Representatives6 & Under Meg Jaworowski 471-35037 & 8 Debbie Crowder 471-22089 & 10 Suzanne Stillman 481-287611 & 12 Debbie Walsh 460-631013 & 14 Flo Weaver 827-556515 & Over Carol Bulkeley 496-8824 TAC SWIM NEWS2236 SUNVISTA DRIVEVA. BEACH, VA. 23455NEWSLETTER DEADLINE is the 25th of each month. Items can be submitted by contacting Stephen Goldthwaite at 363-2506. UPCOMING EVENTS SWIM MEET12TH Boys and Girls ClubNational Swimming ChampionshipsApril 18-20, 1997April Board MeetingApril 13, 1997, 3:00 p.m.at X-73TAC’s Annual MeetingMonday, April 21, 1997Two locations are under review at Norfolk Naval Base.

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