Eastern Zone Short Course Championship Meet Results

Buffulo NY, April 3-5 1997

TAC swimmers representing Virginia competed in the Eastern Zone short course championship meet at the University of Buffulo. The meet had 834 swimmers from different states and culminated the short course season.

Emily Chen:

Girls 11/12
200 Free: Placed 7th with a time of 2:02.67
200 IM : Placed 4th with a time of 2:16.87

Caroline Miller:

Girls 15/18
100 Breast: Placed 3rd with a time of 1:08.44
200 Breast: Placed 5th with a time of 2:27.97
200 IM : Placed 8th with a time of 2:15.18

Tim Norton:

Boys 13/14
1000 Free: Placed 8th with a time of 10:14.76
200 Back : Placed 5th with a time of 2:01.95
200 Fly : Placed 2nd with a time of 2:02.00

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