So, Who Is This Guy, Anyway?

Everyone always says, "I hate to write about myself but..." and we know that isn't true. We really do like to tell about ourselves; we just think that we'll be thought of as impolite or worse. Anyway, consider that a sort of disclaimer as I tell a little about myself. My name is Chris Young. I came to Florida a few years ago after (censored) years in Virginia. I discovered bicycle racing as a real sport when I was already past thirty. Darn it. I kinda think I could have been good, had I known it existed when I was a kid. Oh well. I have few regrets in life and that is the biggest. I tried a little criterium and road racing but I was very much an "also ran." I found my niche in the long races based on the format of the RAAM, the Race Across America. Though I never made it to the big show, I raced several qualifying races over the course of a few years, at times doing pretty well. I took an interest in the "back to basics" approach of the randonneurs (in the late '80's) and rode the qualifying series for Paris-Brest-Paris. I rode that event in 1991, as well as the similar route of Boston-Montreal-Boston, which I have done in 1990, 1992, 1993, and 1996.

My competitive life as well as everything else changed when I came to Florida. I met a wonderful lady, a long time triathlete, who convinced me that I could swim well enough to compete in Triathlon. She started me on a whole new path. I no longer enjoy the long miles; instead I look forward to the regular testing that the many triathlons and duathlons all around Florida provide. She is no longer a part of my life but her challenge will be with me a long time. This is, after all, a life-long sport.

Professionally, I have been in the bicycle business since the late seventies. I have been in bicycle shops as mechanic, salesman, and as manager. I made a (meager) living as a frame builder. (There was little demand for custom work in Virginia during the mid eighties.) Now I work in a bicycle shop on Florida's Atlantic coast. I also work, from time to time, with triathletes to increase their running and cycling speed. For a modest price I offer a collection of information that has speeded up several athletes. E-mail me for info.

And now, as they say, a word from our sponsor, in good advertising manner, right here in the middle! Hey, that's me!

I offer the service mentioned above, speed consultation, as an in-person thing; we'll work out time and place to meet and work with your bike for fit and specific suggestions and ride together. If you're in the Melbourne area this can be a regular riding session. Otherwise I can work with you at a distance; the body of information can be sent anywhere and I can work with you on training regimen and motivation by e-mail. Let's get together through e-mail and work out pricing.

I also offer my experiences and expertise speaking before clubs, groups, or organizations of a number of topics from bicycle mechanics and maintenance through bicycle history and development to stories about bicycle racing and riding with touring and equipment tips. E-mail me to work out fees (based, obviously, on distance to your meeting mainly).

By the way, when you have gone to triathlons and duathlons around Florida and you have seen the odd time trial "funny bike" arriving at the races in the back of the bright red 1951 Willys Jeep Station Wagon you've seen me! I just have to have a vehicle that's a little different! This one is more comfortable than the Honda motorcycle I used to use plus I can sleep inside!

Enough for now. I've gotten my new video capture device working now and I'll start fixing this place up a little with some pictures and stuff. I'll be sending stuff up and I'll try and keep the pictures relavant.] Thanks for reading this far. Send e-mail if you either: a) have info to add to the schedule page. b) want to know about my speed help. c) would like me to put more (or less) here. d) any other reason. or e) no reason at all.

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