Moving along toward the springtime of 2000... I'll finally confess to those of you regulars that I have not been doing much with this page for a long time (as though you didn't know). The personal life has gotten so screwed up that I just don't have the time or, to tell the truth, the inclination, to keep this page current.
So I'm going to leave this out here in cyberspace and leave the links in effect but will take out references to my schedule page. There are so many race schedules on-line now anyway. When I started this it was pretty hard to find information. I hope some folks have benefitted from what I did do here.
So train as you were and run all the races!
So, Who Is This Guy? tells a little (?) about this page's author. I hope you'll want to read this.
Page One is my first here, the corner stone. I hope you'll check out this page, especially the paragraph near the end about the Florida Duathlon Series.
Page Two is a little ragging on the Dannon Duathlon in Fort Walton Beach, FL. I know this is getting a little old now but the thoughts on the subject of race awards are still valid.
By the way, here are a couple (I'll add more later) of links to good sites:
Adventure Racing Series surprising multi-sport event series all around the country.
CFT Sports from Clermont, Florida, the new home of USA Triathlon (Tri-Fed); you'll find all sorts of good info here, including a lot of race results.
Coca Cola Classic Triathlon Series home page.
Mad Dogs of St. Petersburg is a fun-loving Triathlon club centered in the Bay area but growing all over.
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