Welcome to the rOADkILL home page
...where you can weave through our interests in...
~Running (our team, training, and stats)
~Cycling (both road and mountain bike)
~Multi-Sport (duathlons and other)
~Wayne High School's Cross-Country & Track Connection
~ Welcome to the RoadKill home page! ~
~ The RK Website was "rebuilt" on January 1, 1999 ~
~ Our page is "in review" on December, 2000 ~
~ There were 642 visitors in 1998 ~
For 1999, you are visitor
sTufF yOu ShOulD knOw!
The RoadKill website is a "gathering place" for the RK members and guests. Our homepage will give you the latest announcements about team stuff and then lead you to our links of varied interests.
You will find this page divided into several areas (divided by the beaded line). The "announcements" area will always have NEW or LATEST information or LINKS that all members should read. The other areas will link you to "gathering places" for specific details on members and/or events. If you are not a RoadKill member, we welcome you to just enjoy our site. Click the following link if you want to go directly to the announcements on our home page.
Wanna' Register to Join RoadKill ~'99~!
If you would like to be a RoadKill Running Member, you need to fill out the registration form at the bottom of this homepage. Members from last year need to register for 1999 as weel. Registering for RoadKill will place you on our 1999 roster for the team competition in all Ohio River Road Runners' Club events. You're not obligated to run every event, but you'll be encouraged to participate in each race (one per month). Some of our members are high school runners that can only compete for RoadKill in their "off-seasons". Click the link here if you want to go directly to the registration form on this homepage.
hOw to gEt AroUnd the rK wEbsiTe!
As you browse the different links or pages within our site, there will always be opportunities to (click) back to this page. In fact, at the bottom of each page you will be asked, "Where would you like to go next?
It's there you will find the LINKS to ALL areas of the RoadKill Website.
You will also find these links at the bottom of each page. Have fun.
dO It---Sign the Guestbook---tHis MeaNs YoU!
The RoadKill Website will become more interactive during 1999 (readers can post their comments, give opinions, talk to each other, and take part in periodic surveys! Why not get started right away! Sign the RoadKill Guestbook! This is for ALL members and guests too. Please note however, that what you type will automatically be posted on the guest page. Only type what you want others to read. You can go to the Road Kill Guestbook now by clicking the link provided or come back and "sign in" later. We want to hear from you!
Sign Guestbook Now or View Our Guestbook Now if you would like.
RaNk tHe SiTe. Go AheAd...We cAn taKe iT!
Enjoy our site! Thanks for visiting! Offer your suggestions or comments by emailing me at the link provided at the bottom or top of this page (or click the little envelope at the top of this page). Your input will help me make improvements to our website. I also like you to "rank" the site sometime (please). To do so, click the phrase "rank my site" in the advertisement box at the top of this page.
Sincerely, Bob Crabtree; Page Author
Okay...Enough talk...get surfin'!
* * * Announcements * * * Announcements * * *
RoadKill's next TEAM RACE will be on Sunday, APRIL 27TH IN KETTERING, OHIO. The race begins at 1:30 PM. Allow yourself time to check in and warm up. Hey! We need everyone there. It's a 10 km. Yea, I know...long distance. If you've got time to read this stuff, you got time to run. See you there! Go to the Run Page to see the OTHER team races for the entire year! You can also see what's in store for 1999 for all events on the "Calendar and Events Page."
JOIN RoadKill!
If you have not registered yet, and want to be on our roster, email me or fill out the form below. Better do this SOON. Our roster can not have any additions after April 30th this year.
The RoadKill Running Page Our running page is waiting for you to visit. It has this year's race results and articles on our team and individual races. You see our members listed. Later this will page will link you to our members' best performances and profiles. Take a look at the 1999 "Team Race" schedule! You'll want to visit this page periodically to get (or link to) some training tips and training opportunities! What are you waiting on? Click on that runner (above)!
The RoadKill Cycling Page It may be road cycling or mountain biking our members are "into"... whatever the case, you'll find information, links, and stories on some of events we participate in during the year. One of our goals is to increase cycling participation this season. Cycling can become a competitive avenue, cross training tool, or give you an opportunity to catch air (ask Adam Walker) or dirt (ask Adam again)on the area's mountain trails. Click on the cycler above to see the possibilities... then get your butt on a bike.
RoadKill Duathlon Page Just when you thought runners are crazy and cyclists insane, there are some of us who combine both into one sport - the duathlon. This is a run-bike-run event. Combining the talents, endurance, and strength of both sports into one race is not only rewarding, but earns you the true title of studman or studwoman... In 1998 three RoadKillers all place in the top three in the Ohio Duathlon Championship Series...Click the picture of those three staring at you above.
The Wayne High School Cross Country Connection Our RoadKill site would not be complete without giving special attention to the Wayne Warriors Cross Country Runners. Since many of our members are coaches, Wayne runners (both current and alumni), and parents of those Warrior trail blazers, it is essential to pay close attention to our high school Roadkill (high school) or Roadrash (middle school - sorry). This page is normally our second most visited site... We encourage all Wayne High School Runners to register and get on the RoadKill roster... Click the photo of Coach Russ above (boy, bet he loves this little detail... hey at least he's not animated!!
Where would you like to go next?
© 1997 crabtrees@prodigy.net
RoadKill Registration Form
The following, are LINKS to all areas of the RoadKill Website.
You will also find these links at the bottom of each page. Have fun.
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