In newspaper interviews - made many, many years after Battling ended his active boxing career
- Bat stated several times that he had pparticipated in around 300 fights. This may be an
exaggeration, but there is reason to believe that he was involved in more battles than are listed
in his official record – which stands at a total of 131 fights. Below is a selection of fights that are not listed in Bat’s official record. Was the Battler really involved in these fights? 1) A Swedish journalist, Ernst Lindblom, who befriended Bat wrote some articles in a local magazine regarding some opponents that Bat supposedly fought in his early years. The names that were mentioned are: Andry Austin, Frank Moran, George Stolbrand and Bob Sheedy – none of which appear in his official record. 2) Some fights are listed the record that Bat had collected himself – in his autobiography – but not in the official record. 1903: jan. 3. George Brownfield ND-4, Hot Springs, Ark. 1903: apr. 5. Jack Robinson ND-6, Hot Springs, Ark. The above mentioned fights are listed elsewhere as exhibition bouts. 1901: nov. 10. Billy Heck ND-4, West Pullman 1903: sep. 3. Dare Devil Tildon ND-2, Chicago Illinios The above mentioned fights probably took place, but documenting them by newspaper accounts has been unsuccessful. 3) It is not impossible that other boxers have adopted the fine ring name ‘Battling Nelson’, but in the fights mentioned below it is quite possible that it actually was the Durable Dane who participated in these fights. 1913: nov. Johnny Wilson ND-10, New York, NY 1920: jan. 7. Slugger Laughlin W-12, Providence Wilson later became World Champion, and is well known. The Laughlin fight took place almost 3 years after Bat’s official retirement, and it would be a very important finding if it could be documented that he actually made a comeback. I should be noted that Bat participated in exhibitions in 1920 as well as 1923, so it's not unlikely that he also was involved in 'real' battles. As I am located in Denmark, I have no chance of checking these data. If anyone out there can elaborate a bit on these things, I would be very happy to hear from you!!! |