Below are listed some of the things that have been written about Battling Nelson, taken from books as well as magazines. The reader should note that there are some discrepancies in the presented material - some are errors in the source material, some are just due to different interpretations of the events that took place at the beginning of this century.

Battling Nelson
A Feud Till The Bitter End
From The Boxing Register
From Boxing - Heroes & Champions
From A Century of Boxing Greats
Nelson's fighting style

Bits from Boxing History Books:
From A Pictorial History of Boxing
From History of Boxing
From Lightning Strikes

Fight descriptions:
Joe Gans W Disq. 42 Battling Nelson
Ad Wolgast KO-40 Battling Nelson

The Life and Contests of Battling Nelson - pdf!! (Needs Acrobat Reader)
The Greatest Chins of All Time
The Top 10 of Ten Cities
Two episodes recollected by Jack Dempsey
Financial record of Battling Nelson, 1896-1908

In Danish:
1896-1976. Danske boksere - ude og hjemme
Dick Nelson og Knud Larsen om deres møde med Battling Nelson
Ringens mestre - Forkampen...

Books to read
My book-list

If you are in possession of material regarding Battling Nelson (book-excerpts, newspaper-clippings, images etc.) that in some way could be presented in these pages please do contact me.
Material on other Danes, who fought in USA, are also of great interest - especially Kid Williams and Dick Nelson.