Previous Hack and Duff Polls

With Kerry Wood's 20 strikeout performance on May 6, 1998, do you think that he can break the record and strike out more than 20 batters in a game?
Total Votes Cast So Far: 35

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:

How many game will the Cubs win in 1998?
Total Votes Cast So Far: 145

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
More than 100117%

Who will have more strikeouts in 1998?
Total Votes Cast So Far: 94

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
Sammy Sosa6973%
Henry Rodriguez2526%

Which Cub is the most deserving of a trip to the All Star game in July?
Total Votes Cast: 29

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
Rod Beck26%
Kerry Wood1034%
Henry Rodriguez13%
Sammy Sosa1655%

Now that Kerry Wood has been recalled from the minors, how long do you think he will remain with the Cubs?
Total Votes Cast: 7

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
Until BobPatterson come off the DL114%
Until the end of the month00%
He'll only have one start and then will be sent back down00%
For the entire season685%

Now that Kerry Wood has been sent to the minors, when do you think the Cubs will call him up to the Majors?
Total Votes Cast: 6

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
In April116%
In May or June466%
In July or August00%
In September116%

Where should Cubs pitching prospect, Kerry Wood, start the year?
Total Votes Cast: 8

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
In AAA112%
With the Cubs as their 5th starter337%
Too early to decide/ lets not get our hopes up yet450%

Who is your favorite Cubs player of all time?
Total Votes Cast: 40

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
Hack Wilson00%
Gabby Hartnett00%
Ernie Banks717%
Ryne Sandberg1947%
Other player1435%

If Tom Kelly, current manager of the Minnesota Twins, became available, would you wnat him to manage the Cubs in 1998?
Total Votes Cast: 20

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:

Which year was the hardest to deal with?
Total Votes Cast: 24

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
Other year520%

Is Sammy Sosa worth $10 Million per year?
Total Votes Cast: 36

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:

Now that the Cubs have fallen to 18 games under .500, what do you think the Cubs management should do?
Total Votes Cast: 59

Choice:No. VotesPercentage:
Fire Riggleman1118%
Keep Riggleman and have a fire sale1627%
Fire Riggleman and have a fire sale1118%
Keep everything the same1220%
Abandon Ship!915%

Jerry Reinsdorf was worried about Cubs fans invading Comiskey Park for the series between the Cubs and the Sox June 16-18. How bad did you think it would get for Mr Reinsdorf? Here is what other fans thought.
Total Votes Cast: 19

Choice:No. Votes
The entire park rises for the seventh-inning stretch - in the top of the seventh15%
The crowd begins an "AL-BERRRT" chant210%
Frank Thomas knocks one into the bleachhers, only to see the ball get tossed back onto the field1263%
40,000 fans shout 'You can put it on the board, YES!!!' whenever a Cu b scores00%
The park reverberates to the sounds of the "Na Na Na Na, Hey, Hey, He y Goodbye" as a Sox pitcher leaves the mound for the showers 210%
None of the Above210%

Jerry Reinsdorf, Owner of the
Chicago White Sox

"We don't want Cub fans here. We want the people in the ballpark to pay attention to what's going on in the game and to know who we're playing. I would hope that White Sox fans would do what is necessary to keep the Cub fans out of this ballpark by getting out there to buy tickets, but if they don't, then we have to accept the enemy."

What did you think of Mr Reinsdorf's comments? Here is what other fans thought:

Total Votes Cast: 63

Choice:No. Votes
Reinsdorf is right about the Cubs and Cubs fans 57%
Reinsdorf should be run out of town5892%

Send comments to Hack or Duff
Created: Sat June 28, 1997 by Hack and Duff
Last updated: Fri October 2, 1998 by Hack