Results Page
Hinchco Memorial 20th Anniversary
Hinchco Memorial Trophy 1st Wayne Peters 1161
2nd Ray Scott 1097
3rd Glen Liddington 1046
4th Bruce Scott 1020
5th Anton Curley 1007
Mens Open 1st Glen Liddington 911
2nd Anthony Neil 905 34 x 20s
3rd Steven Watkins 905 33 x 20s
Ladies Open 1st Judy Harvey-Torkington 893
2nd Sonja Watkins 804
Mens Sighted 1st Ray Scott 863 28 x 20s
2nd Trevor Ammundsen 863 21 x 20s
3rd Bruce Ward 849
Ladies Sighted 1st Kim Healy 648
2nd Jaty Van Der Voort 362
Mens Barebow 1st Wayne Peters 904
2nd Grant Wylie 789
3rd Lorence Niessen 788
Ladies Barebow 1st Kelly Hankins 703
2nd Carrole Lewis 475
Mens Recurve 1st Brian Ringrose 711
2nd Peter Hanley 632
3rd Tony Lewis 553
Mens Longbow 1st Bruce Scott 792
2nd Ian Cox 766
3rd John Rehm 668
Ladies Longbow 1st Cheryl Brown 353
Junior Open 1st Eamonn Gaffney 865
Junior Barebow 1st Kane Meehl 679
2nd Stephen Dean 597
3rd Katie Lewis 362
Cubs 1st Mark Lewis 608
2nd Joe Reid 493
Club Match Play Champioships
The Club Match Play championships were held recently and once again this event proved to be a popular variation to the normal format. The Match Play is a knockout tournament with the winner of each round being the archer who wins most targets. Once again it was shot in divisions although next year we may try and extend the format so that every archer is in the same competition. The results of this tournament were;
Division 1: Final Rohan Ammundsen beat Eamon Gaffney 8/4
Semi Finals Rohan Ammundsen beat Steve Collinson 6/3
Eamon Gaffney beat Ray Scott 5/4
Plate Final Bert Niessen beat Grant Wylie 1/0Division 2: Final David Niel beat Bruce Ward 5/4
Plate Final Murray Trott beat Wayne Braxton 11/3Division 3: Final Kane Meehl beat Adrian Courtland 9/8
Plate Final Richard Musson beat Carole Lewis 10/1Traditional: Final Russell Meehl beat Tom Lambert 2/0
Plate Final Gordon Boyd beat Tony Lewis 10/4
New Zealand Bow Hunters Tournament
This year the New Zealand Bow Hunter Society was celebrating its 40th anniversary so the annual Queens Birthday weekend tournament promised to be something special and it was. The venue was a farm at Glen Massey which is about 15 minutes away from Ngaruawahia, located immediately under the largest stationery mob of rain clouds that we have ever seen. For the three days of the tournament these clouds seemed determined to try and wash us away.
The venue made use of a large wool shed in which displays of heads, skins and photos were on view. The archery suppliers also had room to set up stalls so all in all it was an excellent focal point for the event. Two courses were set out which were shot from different set of pegs thereby making it in effect a four round event. Targets consisted of a mixture of McKenzie 3Ds and normal painted mat targets.
Quite a number of archers made use of the facilities at Waingaro Hot Springs for accommodation. This was really appreciated after the afternoon rounds when groups of wet and bedraggled archers soaked some warmth back into our bodies before heading to the next door pub for food and refreshments. I dont have time to tell you about all the after hour exploits at Waingaro, suffice to say its a little bit like Fawlty Towers meeting Colditz so if you are ever considering a holiday there make sure you take along a good sense of humour.
Massey archers once again performed very well at this tournament with the relevant results being;
Tournament Overall 1st Wayne Peters
2nd Les Chapman
3rd Ray Scott
4th Kevin Watson
Compound Barebow 1st Wayne Peters
Compound Sighted 1st Les Chapman
2nd Ray Scott
3rd Kevin Watson
Longbow 1st Bruce Scott
2nd Russell Meehl
Ladies 1st Carol Watson
Juniors 1st Justin Niessen
Specialties 1st Wayne Peters
Married Couple 1st Kevin and Carol Watson
Most Improved 1st Wayne Peters