About Massey Archery Club
Massey Archery Club was founded in 1971 with the purchase of the land in Redhills Road, Massey, Auckland. The spirit of friendship, involvement and the enjoyment of a common sporting interest, have led the Massey Archery Club to owning facilities worth over $300,00. And in turn becoming one of the finest archery clubs in the southern hemisphere.
The Massey Archery Club is a field archery club as such nearly all shooting is done in the field and surrounding bush. The targets are either painted animal targets, or 3D animal targets shot from unmarked distances. Both types of targets are shot from within the field/bush, not on a shooting range (open paddock).
Massey Archery Club predominately shoot painted or 3D animal targets according to the club rules. Animals are painted in life like proportions and colours onto canvas matting and clipped to "Butts" of synthetic materials which stop the arrow after penetrating the target face. The butts are placed around a course all at varying distances, locations and angles to simulate how the animal may appear in real life.
There are 20 to 28 such targets, plus a number of specialty targets, each target is numbered and is scored by the accuracy of the the shot and the number of arrows used to hit the target within the scoring area. If the target is missed after three shots then there is no points scored for that target.
Specialty targets are designed to test the archers speed and reflexes. They are shot with a maximum of four arrows, usually within a given time frame.
Every Sunday is a club day, except for invitation only or nationally organized events. Club Sundays are great, a convivial atmosphere ensures that good fun goes hand in hand with a competitive spirit.
Registration is between 9:00 and 9:30am with the shoot starting around 10am. Two courses are permanently set out, and it is up to the field captain of the day to decide which course will be used. Around of 24 targets will take approximately 2 hours. Once registration is completed, archers are put into groups of 3 or 4 and each group given a designated starting target. To start with you will always be put into a group of experienced club members who will be more than happy to give any advice and answer any questions.
After shooting, a lunch or BBQ is generally available, and the bar will be open, this is a great opportunity to make and enjoy the company of new friends.