The Blazing Sunburns

The blazing sun blazes as usual over our heads as we head towards the courts carrying the poles and nets, dragging the volleyball cage across the first court. 1,2,3 Up...The poles go up...Someone bring a chair!...the net is set...okie...warm up...a few stretches, three short runs, and we're all set for training.

The RGS Volleyball Team has been around...yup...we've seen countless Zone matches and National matches, not to mention rusty cages with immoveable wheels, peeling volleyballs with wing-like structures, smelly kneeguards that no-one wants to claim, oil-covered toads stuck in the volleyball poles, pole-painting misadventures etc etc....not to mention endearing coaches who speak wistfully of their beautiful wives and Casanova-ic past.

We are a tight bunch of people(tight?... choice of words=)), and we all share a bond that one can only derive from playing a team sport, sharing unforgettable joy, disappointment, shock, despair and sheer exhilaration together. This is a page that I dedicate to the RGS Volleyball Team Past, Present and Future. No matter how hard it seems, if we are willing to try, we can do it together.

We have an all new Mr VolleyBall. Please adopt him!

Thank you for being one of million volleyball fans in the world.
This page was painstakingly typed and designed by Sherry's sister, Sandra. Please visit her page!
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© Sherry 1997
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