...................EL NINO FACTS AND FUN................

This is my report on El Nino. I hope you find it informative and interesting. El Nino's Lighter Side

I started hearing about El Nino in August, 1997. In September, I really started paying attention and started to gather information about El Nino, because I want to buy a snowboard and go snowboarding this winter. I kept hearing on television about the weird weather we are going to have in Alaska this winter. The experts are predicting a very warm and wet winter for Alaska.

I am doing this report on El Nino for a Super Student Project that is required each quarter to be eligible for A's on my report card. I belong to the Thunderbird Team at Mears Middle School in Anchorage, Alaska. I am in the 7th grade. The Super Student Project must be done at home, must take at least 10 hours of work, and it must relate to language arts, science, social studies and math.

Java Clickable World Map.............................................................................El Nino in Alaska

Environmental News
Forecasts and Predictions
Weather Phenomenon
Dateline NBC News

I would really like to hear from other kids around the world about what El Nino is doing where you live. You can e-mail me and I will report your weather on this page too. My e-mail address is


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